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I'm feeling really uncomfortable now, and I don't even have an idea why I need to be here?

I thought as I glanced at the person sitting in front of me inside the dressing room, Off. It's been 30 minutes since Bright dropped me in this place. Earth and I were supposed to eat out together as we won't be seeing each other for the next 7 days due to our university's week -long vacation, when I found Bright waiting outside our room. He flashed me a smile the moment he saw me, and he told me that Tay wants Bright to "deliver" me to him. Yes. He used the word deliver, exactly what Tay told him through the text he even showed me. I have no option but to send Earth an apologetic smile. Based on his expression, he probably had some question in his mind, but he didn't dare to ask one.

Now here I am with Off in one of the dressing rooms of the studio, waiting for Tay to end his shoot.

"Are you okay?"

Off suddenly asked, I didn't even notice that he's already watching me.


I simply answered. He flashed me a smile and nodded.

I've known Off as long as I've known Gun, they've been together since the moment I worked at Gun's club, but I never actually had a chance to hang out with him or even talk to him privately before. So, even if I knew him, it still makes me somehow uneasy. Maybe because I knew that he had an idea that I left Gun for Tay. I don't know if he knows the story behind it, but if not, he'll surely consider me to be a bad person. But anyway, I don't feel the need to explain it to him. I grew up not minding people's opinion about me anyway.

"Are you hungry?"

I almost jumped in surprise when he once again suddenly spoke. He even slightly chuckled the moment he saw my expression.

"I— I'm good"

I answered, stuttering. Why am I even stuttering?

"By the way, you look good"

He commented and I instantly furrowed my brows.

"I mean, you look better than the last time I saw you. Tay must be taking really good care of you"

I don't know how I should process his statement. It sounds sincere, but I am not actually used to compliments since most of the time, I've been hearing those sarcastically.

"He makes you happy, doesn't he?"

He asked, which made me even more speechless. The good thing is, Tay entered the room, which saved me from responding to his uncomfortable question.

"Are you talking about me behind my back"

Tay asked, which eases the tension that I started feeling because of Off's question. Off chuckled at Tay and shook his head.

"You're not Gun, why would I talk about you"

Off said, he taps Tay's shoulder and excuses himself to speak with the shoot director outside. Tay just nodded at him and I gave him a quick smile before he walked out.

"Why do you look like you're about to shit on your pants?"

Tay asked, and I rolled my eyes.

"Why did you even ask Bright to bring me here?"

Instead of answering, Tay just sneered and proceeded on packing his things.

"I heard you're supposed to eat with Earth. Glad you chose the best option"

He said, eyes are not on me.

"I regretted my decision as soon as I stepped in this place"


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