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⚠️ Mention of depression. If you feel uncomfortable to such topic, please feel free to skip.


Tay invited New to spend the remainder of the day by watching a movie. They acted like all was fine after the talk with Off and Gun, but both of them know that what their friends told them opens some important issues they should have considered addressing since day one.

"Would you like more popcorn?"

New asked, but he gets no response from Tay. When he looked at the latter, he found him staring blankly at the television. He confirmed it when he switched it off, and yet Tay didn't react at all.

"Are you okay?"

New asked as he reached for Tay's hand and intertwined it with his. Tay's attention was brought back to the present.

"S—sorry, I spaced out"

New just smiled at him.

"Do you want to rest?"

New asked, Tay nodded. They both agreed to just call it a day.


Both of them are laying on the bed, with Tay's arms around New and New's head resting on top of Tay's chest. His hand is resting on Tay's stomach, drawing circles on it. They are both tired, but no one really seems to get the sleep they need.


It was Tay who broke the silence. New just hummed as a response.

"You can choose not to answer, okay?"


New answered, even if his heart started beating faster than usual. He might have an idea what Tay was about to ask him, and he actually doesn't know if he's ready enough to answer the question in his mind.

"Can you tell me why you worked at Gun as.."

Tay contemplates whether to continue asking, but New understands. He detached himself from Tay and sat up. He rested his back on the headboard, which Tay followed later on.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have—"

Tay said, but New cut him.

"No. It's okay"

New said, giving Tay a reassuring smile.

"I can tell you"

New assured. Tay smiled back and waited patiently for New to start. When he feels like New's having a hard time starting, he reaches for his hand and holds it. He wanted New to know that he's there to support him, to calm him and to let him know that everything will be okay.

"You don't have to force yourself, New. I am willing to wait"

Tay said, but New shakes his head. New tightens his hold on Tay's and breathes deeply.

"My Father died in a car accident when I was 12. It was so sudden that we weren't able to accept it easily, especially my Mother. She loved the man so much, so facing his sudden death put her through the wringer. She got so sick really bad that all our funds went through her medications. I have to take care of the both of us and work really hard to put food on our table"

Tay can feel how New's hand started shaking, so he held it with both hands, rubbing the back of New's hand with his thumb. 

"She tried her best to survive and fight for me, but her battle with depression got the best of her. After fighting for almost three years, she gave up. I went home after my part-time job one night and found her lifeless on her bed. I cried my heart out, as loud as I could. It was louder than the time my Father died because that time, I knew, I was already left alone. I have to live life alone without anyone waiting for me home" 

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