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Off guided Tay carefully inside his flat, followed by me. Bright already left as soon as Tay woke up in the hospital because he couldn't take the death glares Tay was giving him after he found out that Bright spilled his plan to me. I still have to talk to him about that.

He was actually surprised when he saw me standing beside his bed with Off the moment he woke up earlier, and I was ready to yell at him until I saw how he was having a hard time. He was clutching his stomach in pain, so I just stepped back when the doctor came and decided to just talk to him once home.

Tay never spared me a glance. He made sure to always look away from me and made himself busy with his phone the entire ride home, and it honestly irritated me more. Why did he ask me to be here if he will not talk to me anyway?

When the doctor allowed him to be released at 5pm, Off offered to drive us home. He gave me a confused expression when I mentioned that I am living with Tay, but like Gun, he didn't dare to ask me any question. Maybe he doesn't want to be involved or he thinks it isn't the right time to talk about that.

"Do not forget to take your medications"

Off reminded Tay and the jerk just nodded his head. I found out that Off's managing Tay, which is probably the reason why he was able to go inside Gun's club that night. Off is Gun's fiance.

Off then bid his goodbye and told me that he'll just talk to me some other time. I nodded my head as an acknowledgement and told him to regard me to Gun. He smiled and left.

When Off was gone, Tay's flat was covered with an awkward silence. Tay still avoided looking at me and just settled his eyes at the glass window, while I was in the kitchen, stealing a few glances at him while preparing some dinner.

A few minutes later, I decided to break the silence by telling him to eat dinner. Tay didn't say any words, but just obeyed me and sat across from me at the dining table. We ate in silence. It was uncomfortable, but I guess it's still better than not really having him around again for days.

To be honest, I planned not to be easy on him after what he did to me that night when he went home after the incident with Earth. He apologized, yes, but the fact that he left me the next day and chose to go MIA for days makes me want to stay mad at him more. But, the moment Bright told me that he was brought to the hospital earlier,all of the hatr had been thrown out the window. I got covered with nothing but fear and worries, and I am willing to forgive him just as long as he stay well.

I stole a glance at Tay and saw him silently eating the soup I made for him. His head hanging low, eyes fixed on the soup. I wanted to talk to him about everything that happened between us. I still need to know why he acted that way to me and to Earth, and where he stayed during the days he left home. But, I decided to set those thoughts aside for now and just talk to him tomorrow.


I panicked the moment I saw Tay's part of the bed empty. We slept side by side last night without acknowledging each other's presence. The time I was done with the shower, he was already asleep in bed, so there was really no chance for us to talk.

I immediately got off the bed and went out of the room, only to see him in the kitchen, preparing breakfast. I breathed in relief and almost smiled, but refrained myself from doing so. I decided to just leave him for now to quietly prepare for school.


Tay's done preparing the meal once I am out of the room, all dressed for school. He spared me a glance for the first time since we entered the house yesterday, but immediately looked away when I was about to smile at him. I rolled my eyes and sat in the dining room. He was about to leave me there when I decided to finally break the silence between us.

"Leave me here eating alone, and I'll leave and will never go back here again"

I threatened. I am not good with threats, but I hope it works this time. This silent treatment is making me more anxious.

I sigh in relief after seeing him occupy the seat in front of me.

"Aren't you going to eat? You're supposed to take your medication in 30 minutes"

I told him and he just watches me. I sigh and stand up to get him a plate and utensils when he pulls my waist and wraps his arms around it. I was surprised and almost pushed him away, not until he opened his mouth for the first time after days of refusing to talk to me.

"I'm sorry, New. I'm deeply sorry"

He said, and my heart automatically softened because of the sincerity of his voice.

I've been into several abuses before, physical or verbal, to the point that it really shouldn't matter to me by now because I just got used to it. And experiencing it with Tay was really unexpected because he was good to me all the time until that day. But at the same time, he was actually the first person who apologized to me sincerely.

I am not convinced if I am still making correct decisions at this point, but I would still want to give Tay a chance.

I lifted his head using my hand to make him look at me and when he did, I smiled at him. His expression softens.

"I'll forgive you if you tell me honestly what the problem was. No arguments"

I told him, and he just nodded before wrapping me in his arms again. I can't help but smile. Tay's a jerk, but I indeed missed him around.

This whole setup is starting to scare me more. Before he came, I preferred to live alone. But now that I am getting used to his existence, I am no longer sure. For now, there is just one thing I am certain about.

I am glad that Tay came back, and now, here with me again.

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