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Tay and New drove back to Tay's condo quietly. New assumed that Tay slept throughout the drive since he never once spoke to him. He refused to confirm by looking at him because he was too afraid to see him fully awake and eventually start to have some conversation with him. He doesn't really want to engage in any conversation with Tay right now. He's bothered and he doesn't really want what he feels inside after seeing Tay and Joss holding each other's hand while looking at each other intimately like that. He wants to trust Tay, the man already assured him about what he feels for him, but the past he had with Joss really scares New, most especially now that he's back in talking terms with the man.

"Something's wrong, Hin?"

Tay asked when New didn't make any move after he parked the car in their building's parking lot. Tay's aware that there's been a change in New's mood since they left the bar, but he wants the latter to openly tell him what's wrong. He waited for him to speak up the entire ride, but he never did, and Tay thinks that it's better for him to ask now.

"I- I thought you're sleeping"

"I'm not. You never once glance at me, that's why you're not aware. I've been watching you since we entered the car. What's bothering you?"

Tay asked, but New just shook his head before getting out of the car. Tay followed afterwards. He takes bigger steps to catch up with New and holds his hand.

Tay's eyes are on New in their entire elevator ride and when they reached their floor, New stepped out first and didn't bother looking back at Tay. That confirms that New was really up to something. Tay sighs and just follows the younger man to their unit.

When they enter the house and New still continues to ignore Tay, the older man walks to where New is standing and hugs him from the back.

"What's wrong with my Hin?"

Tay asked with his sweetest voice. New tapped Tay's hands lightly, and removed it. He excused himself to take a shower, and before even Tay make any protest, the door's already closed in front of his face.

"What now, Hin?"

Tay whispered and sighed.


When New woke up the next day, he found no sign of Tay on the bed. He was a bit disappointed because he wanted to cuddle with the man, something they weren't able to do last night because New was sulking. He spent a long time showering that when he's out of the bathroom, Tay's already in a deep sleep. Maybe because of the alcohol in his system as well.

New watched Tay while the man's sleeping until dawn before he actually fell asleep. He even dreamt about Tay and Joss because of being too bothered by the two. It was a nightmare for him.

He found Tay preparing some breakfast in the dining. He gave him a sweet smile as soon as he saw New before walking towards him. He wrapped his arms around New and hugged him tightly.

"Good morning, Hin! I cooked you breakfast"

Tay said before releasing New. The younger man smiled at him and leaned in for a quick kiss.

"Good morning. You don't have any hangover?"

He asked Tay, and the latter shook his head.

"I didn't drink that much because you know that I don't really drink, right?"

New just nodded at him, but his mind was back to Tay and Joss' images last night. He wasn't drunk, but still looks at his ex that way? New thought.

Tay guided him to the dining table and let him sit on his spot. Tay sits across from him and starts placing food on New's plate. New's eyes lingers on Tay all the time.

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