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The sounds of the upstairs neighbors having sex wakes me up out my sleep. I sigh turning over to look at my phone. It's 1:30 am. I really need to get the hell out of this building, I can hardly even sleep anymore. Getting out of bed I walk to the kitchen to see what I had to eat, nothing.. Damn it,  my brother must've came and took my food again, freeloading ass nigga.

Looks like I have to go to the store since I'm no longer sleepy. I go to my closet and grab my Jean's and a cute shirt ( in mm) I cant go outside looking any kind of way. I slip on some of my nike sneakers, grabbing my burgundy birkin bag. I let my brother take my car too so looks like I have to walk. Walking down 64th and king drive can be real dangerous at night,  but I'll take the risk.

If you couldn't tell I live in parkway gardens known as O block to the world. I used to live Baton rouge,  but when the accident happened... my brother took me to o block and we lived here ever since.  As usual all the crackheads and weirdos are outside, I just gotta make this walk to the corner store fast.

My heart accelerates as I walk down the street,  I see a girl sitting on the ground crying her eyes out. I start to walk past her but shes crying so loud I cant help but to stop.

" Can you please help me?' She asks grabbing my arm making me bend down.

I nod and squat next to her.

" My name is Taylor, what's yours?" She asks as I look down at her arm, she has a tattoo that says " King Von's Property".

I sigh, pulling out my iphone going to my notes and show her.

" My name is Haylee, My vocal cords are damaged so I cannot speak".

" Oh I see, Can i spend a night at your place just for the night?" She asks.

I look at the girl for a while, she's light skin, long hair with big brown eyes, looks around my age, but shes dressed like she's been on the streets for days. She looked so innocent, what could go wrong?

I nod and give her smile. She squeals and hugs me tightly.

" Thank you so much! I've been sleeping in my car for days ", she says as she gets up.

Wow, I feel so bad. I wonder why she was on the street, she didnt look like she was even from Chicago. We walk in the store and it's a blonde dread head, he is so fine, dressed all flashy and then it was another dread head, chain said " Memo". He was cute, I wondered what some rich niggas like them was doing out here especially at this time of night. 

" Haylee can we go to Walmart,  I dont see anything I want in here", Taylor asked me.

I nod, because they did need to restock at this corner store, when we walk to the front of the store, those flashy guys was gone. That was fast... We walk to Taylor's car, it was a decent car, the color was black. We get inside and she places her key inside, but the car doesn't start.

" Oh no please dont do this to me", she complains as she tries to start it.

I watch her, shes doing this for like 15 minutes straight.. she then screams and hits the steering wheel in frustration.. I touch her arm and she smiles.

" Let me see if I can get some help", She says as she gets out the car.

I noticed a black Mercedes truck with tinted windows in front of us, I see a man hop out the front seat, when Taylor sees him she tries to run but he grips her by hair and smacks the fuck out of her. She's crying and hiding her face. He looks at the car and my heart starts to race.  I try to open my door but its stuck,  just my luck. The man busts my window and pulls me out the car.

It's so dark I can't really see him, I only see a chain it says " OBlock". I try to snatch it off but he pulls out a gun and smacks me with it.

" You tryna get killed?' The man asks pointing the gun in my face.

I shake my head as tears rush down my face.

" Speak you stupid hoe ", he says grabbing me roughly.

" She can't fucking speak Grandson ", Taylor yells at the man

" You fucking around with Dumb bitches now?" He asks her laughing.

" She's not dumb, just take me back and let her go please ", Taylor pleads.

I see the man's small eyes staring into my soul,  and then I see an evil grin with diamond studded teeth.

" Since you tried to help my hoe to leave me, you're my property now", he says and my eyes becomes wide.

This nigga is a pimp? Taylor is a prostitute? And now she has me caught in this bullshit. I shake my head in fear,  oh how I wish I could talk or even scream. I'm just helpless,  more tears rush down my face as I try to get out his grip.

" If you keep struggling ima kill yo ass", The man named Grandson says aggressively.

Taylor willing gets in the car and Grandson throws me in the backseat with her.  The flashy ass guys in the store gets in the car and smiles back at Taylor.

" You a dumb ass hoe, thought she could save you", The blonde dread head says laughing.

Grandson speeds away from the crime scene,  of course there was people out there but just tha looks of these guys no one would say anything. I just got kidnapped and sold into prostitution,  I look at tha dashboard and see that it's only 2 am. Damn...


So... what yall think?

Yall like it?

I think I'm about to drop the next chapter!

More to come!

Remember to vote,comment,and share my story with everyone you know!!!!

J.Royyy is outttt 💨💨💨💨💨💨💨

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