ALL said and DONE...( Part 2)

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Haylee Brown

I couldn't believe it, all this... and I still had a miscarriage , due to all the stress my body went through with being raped this many times, my body couldn't hold the baby and try to internally heal. It broke my heart, because I really wanted my baby. I did.

We were in the car heading to Atlanta,  too much went down in Chicago so we are starting a new life out here, India, Kema, Mici, Deja, Kris, Asian, and Cheyenee was here, but the other girls were gone.  Von said he was gonna find new new girls to replace the ones that was no longer with us. I wanted to ask Von what happened to Snow Bunny but I decided not to, it was best if I just let it go and focus on our new beginning.  Von made me the head mistress,  which is something I'm happy about... I guess..  I really wanted him to quit this life but he wasn't ready to.

" It stank back here", Kris complains,  kicking the back of my seat.

" KRIS, don't kick my seat again", I say calm as I can, wiping the tears that was falling down my face.

" It was an accident, " she says in a fake nice tone.

" it only stank cause you back here ", Deja says causing the other girls to laugh.

" BITCH!" Kris yells throwing a water bottle in Deja's direction.

" WOULD YALL DIRTY ASSES STOP", Von yells looking back at them, he was pissed.

" Sorry", Deja and Kris says in a instant,  looking down.

" Acting like yall 5, dumb ass hoes, all yall bitches stank in the back", He says harshly.

" Von I gotta tell you something ", India says, she sounded  so scared.

" What?" He asks in a bored tone, he still looked mad so I start to rub his shoulder.

" I'm... pregnant ", she tells him in a small tone.

" I know, Durk told me", he says shrugging carelessly.

" Durk isn't the father", she says in the same small voice.

" So who the daddy?" He asks her, looking at her.

" I don't know", she says, wiping a few tears from her face.

" I'm pregnant too Von", Kema says making his eyes wide.

" The fuck you mean you pregnant?" He asks looking back at her.

" You heard me, I ain't stutter", she says in a smart tone.

" Kema watch yo fucking mouth before I throw yo stupid ass out the car", he threatens, glaring at her.

" Is she having your baby?" I ask him,  looking at him.

" It might be his,  I'm sorry Haylee", Kema says in a soft tone.

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