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Haylee Brown

The stroll was a success last night, Von was very happy with all the money we made him. I just couldn't get Kentrell of my mind, I wanted to go with him so badly.. I wondered when he was going to come see me. I got of bed to shower, i clearly was unware of someone being in there with me until I got out the shower. it was Von standing there with that same blank expression from last night. 

" Haylee you know you made the most money last night right?" He asks looking at me.

I shake my head feeling a little uneasy as I hold the towel tightly around my body.

" You can speak Lil folks, everyone out the room", he says softly

" No I didn't know", I say looking at him.

" Youngboy was your first customer?" He asks touching India blow dryer.

" Yes", I say nodding looking down.

" You talked to him?" He asks.

" Uh... a little bit", I say softly.

" What you say?" He asks as his voice starts getting loud.

" A little", I say softly backing into the wall.

" Speak the fuck up HAYLEE", He yells throwing the blow dryer at me.

" Yes I'm sorry", I say loudly crying holding my face.

He grabs me roughly by my hair dragging me out the room,  down the stairs into the living room. I hear people running to see what happens, Von pulls of his Gucci belt and starts literally whooping me with it , the towel falls of me because I'm too busy trying to guard myself from the hits.

" You really thought shit was sweet", He says laughing as he hits me in the face with the buckle of the belt.

I wince down because it hit my eye so hard that I'm pretty sure I have a black eye now. I see blood on the floor leaking from my face and body, after a while he finally gets tired. He slaps me one good time and makes me stand up on my weak legs.

" Go the fuck upstairs to my room", He says pushing me towards the stairs.

I sigh wiping my tears that is continuing to fall as I walk up the stairs going into his room and slamming the door. I go into the bathroom to look at myself and I look messed up.  I literally have blood all over me , so I step into the shower to rinse myself off, lotion up again and put on my robe that's up in here, I hope he washed it too because he had that hoe Cheyenne all up in my shit with her boney ass.

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