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Haylee brown

I stare at the ceiling in my new room, it's been three days since Grandson, well King Von killed him. I keep replaying everything that happened, if only I could even speak this all could've been avoided. Tears stream down my face, my brother was all that I had and now I'm alone in this world.

I hear the door opening, I look over and see it's a pretty albino girl, she's really pretty, she's wearing a small smile, she looks like she feels sorry for me.

" I'm Tyra, you must be Haylee", she says as she sits on my bed.

I wipe my eyes and nod, sitting up.

" Its breakfast time and King Von wants to see all of us ", she tells me.

I roll my eyes but I get out of the bed. We walk down the long stairs and make our way to the dining room, it's at least 13 girls at the table plus King Von, Durk, Memo, and Booka. Taylor is sitting next to this brown skin girl, she looks at me and rolls her eyes. I just don't get it, she seemed so nice...

I sit in the middle of Tyra and the white girl who was tearing her food up. It looks good but I just dont have much of an appetite.

" Haylee eat something ", King Von says as he stares at me.

I shake my head and push the plate back.

" I'm not gon tell yo slow ass again", he says eyeing me.

I just frown and look down. Next thing I know my whole face gets slammed on the hard marble table, my hands instantly go to my face, I feel the blood leaking from my nose and lips. Twars stream down my face as Von pulls me roughly by my hair.

" Are you gonna eat now?" He asks calmly.

I nod and he let's me go roughly, I grab the plate and pull close to me. I grab my fork and start to eat the eggs which was actually good.

" Where you from new girl?" Ths girl next to Taylor asks me.

I just keep my eyes down as I try to eat this food.

" Don't you hear me talking to you bitch?" She asks me.

" She hear you, she just slow as fuck ", Taylor says laughing.

Tears sting my eyes, I feel myself getting up and running off as they laugh at me. I just dont understand why this happened to me? You would think all the times people said this I would be okay but it affects me everytime. I really hate myself. I go into a bathroom and sit in the floor... in the dark crying my heart out.

" Get the fuck out the bathroom", I hear King Von says banging on the door.

I get up and walk out, he's alot taller than what I expected. I clearly didnt pay attention to his height before.

" Don't let them hoes get under your skin ", he says patting my back making me look at him.

I smile and look down....did he just comfort me?

" I gotta introduce you to all the girls, and tell you all about OTF", he tells me.

I nod as we walk back to the dining room.

" If I hear yall talking about her disability again, ima beat the fuck outta any of yall, do you hear me?" King Von says looking at the girls.

" Yes Grandson ", they say in unison.

" Good, now this is Haylee, these are Taylor , That's Asian doll, that's Tyra her other name is Vanilla, that white hoe name is Snow bunny, Mici, Kris, India, Kema, Deja, Mila, Cheyenne, and Mena," King Von tells me.

" I'm Von's bitch ", Asian says smirking.

" Man chill out, you lost that spot ", King Von says mugging her.

" We all know Taylor is his girl", Mena says laughing.

" Taylor is the mistress, she in charge of yall ", he tells me.

If she in charge why the hell was she that tryna leave... something is definitely weird about this. I simply just nod looking up at him.

" Now I need you to come with me ", he says to me.

I wonder where he is about to take me. He grabs my hand and takes ms on the other side of the big house into a bedroom. He locks the door and my heart starts to race, I watch him take off his tank top showcasing his sexy body. My eyes traces every tattoo covering his brown skin. He walks slowly over to me, standing over me. His dark brown bore into my honey brown ones.

" Now that you gonna be working for me, I need to run some test so I can see where ima place you", he says lowly as he plays with my bottom lip.

I stand there in awe as he rips my clothes off my body leaving me in my panties and bra, he picks me up never breaking eye contact as he lays me in the bed.. he just stands there staring at me which makes me feel self conscious, because what the fuck is his looking at?

" You never been fucked", he says as touches my thigh.

I shake my head, it's True I never has sex before. He bends down and starts kissing on neck and kissing my breast, down to my stomach, when he reaches my panty line he uses his teeth to remove my panties. He spreads my legs wide and his mouth drops.

" Damn fat ass pussy ", he mutters in awe as he smiles.

He looks in my eyes as he starts to eat me out. I grip the sheets and close my eyes at the warm, pleasuring sensation of his tongue, he eats for a few minutes before he stops. I was just about to cum to, I could feel it.

" I'm putting you with India, she's a level one girl. No one could fuck her but Durk, niggas just gotta pay for your time ", he says smiling, I guess that's a good thing.

I wonder if Durk is okay with his girl being one of Von's hoes? I wonder why he made me a level one girl... but I'm not complaining.

" You special, that's why you a level one girl ", he says answering my question before he walks out the room leaving me by myself...


Why is Taylor being werid to poor Haylee?!

Haylee is a level one girl Chile, why do you think Von placed her there hmmmmmmmm

More otw!

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J.Royyy is outttt 🐐💨💨💨💨💨💨

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