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Haylee brown

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Von sent me back to the room with the Level 1 and 2 girls. I was kind of sad because I had grown attached to him, I like being around him.  he had some business to handle with youngboy and didnt want me around, I understand why.

" You okay girl?" India asks turning to look at me, her bed was right next to mine.

I nod my head giving her a small smile.

" What happened to your Voice if you dont mine me asking?" She says looking at me.

" Yeah girl I've been dying to ask you since you got here", Kema says sitting up in her bed..

I point to her phone,  she unlocks it and hands it to me. I go to her nites and start to type my story, I havent told no one about it. After seven minutes of typing on her phone, I hand it back to her..

" Can she read it out loud to us", Snow Bunny asks.

I nod looking at India, as she reads everything to herself first.

" Haylee said: when she was in foster care all of her life, when she was seven years old she was in the car with her caretaker at the time and her brother,  and he was drunk driving again, she had a bad feeling something was going to happen, he kept swerving and falling asleep on the road, plus it was a rainstorm and dark outside.  He had completely dozed off, Her and her brother tried to scream to wake him up but it was too late they crashed forward hitting a tree and a branch went through her throat,  damaging her vocal cords making her unable to ever speak again", India reads as tears stream down her face.

" Oh my gosh, you're a miracle ", Snow bunny says wiping her face.

" I'm so sorry that happened to you, Von needs to know this, send that to him India", Kema says as she gets up and comes to hug me tightly.

" I sent this to him, Haylee he needs to know", India says to me.

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