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Haylee brown

Haylee brown

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I feel Von snuggling into my chest, this man is so deep in his sleep. I open my eyes to look down at him, he looks really cute. I smile to myself and trace his features with the tip of my finger.

I touch his eyelids first, his eyebrows,  kiss his forehead, touch his nose, lastly his lips which are my favorite part, I really want to kiss them again, they are so soft.

" Why you stop?" He asks still with his eyes closed making me jump.

He opens his eyes to look at me, I shrug as he brings my hand back to his face.  I start to trace his features again and he closes his eyes again.

" Let's get up, I wanna eat yo pussy", he mumbles and my face gets up.

He grabs my hand as we walk into his large bathroom that's in his bedroom, we use the bathroom,  wash our hands, brush our teeth. I watch him as he turns on the shower, he slips out of his clothes and I blush seeing him fully naked for the first time, when he turns around i almost pass out. This man is seriously packing and he's not even hard ... yet.

" Stop looking at my dick" , he says laughing and I roll my eyes.

He watches me carefully as i take off my clothes, i wish he would look away but he doesnt.  He allows me to go in the shower first and then he comes in behind me closing the door. We start to wash up and rinse off. I feel his dick pressed against my back and I jump moving up a little making him laugh.

" You ain't gotta be scared lil folks ", he says still laughing as he grips my ass.

I nod and feel his lips against my neck as he kisses and sucks on it gently, probably leaving me with hickeys. He starts to kiss my cheek as his fingers play with my hardened nipples.  I feel his hands move down my stomach until he reaches my other sets of lips, using his other fingers he flicks my right nipple in his hand using his left to play with my other sets of lips.

My eyes close in pure escasty as he licks my earlobe and rub my wet pearl with his two fingers.

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