Chapter 7 Monday

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Oh my gosh I thought as I ran to the porch, "what does he have to poop or something" Two-Bit joked "no no I think I know what this is about" Soda said as he rushed for the door. "What is he talking about?" Steve questioned "not your business Randle" Darry barked. "Hey what's going on?" Soda asked leaning on the wall "nothing" I said briefly "oh I think there is, It's Lilly isn't it." "Yeah it is" I said honestly "ok and what's the matter with her?" "Well I'm afraid she doesn't like me back" "it will take time" he said as he was gonna open the door "Wait please don't tell Darry okay?" "Uhh why"
"He will lecture me about all the girls he has dated." "And I don't want that" "me either" Soda agreed and we both got the heeby jeebies. Soda went back inside and the whole gang looked at him "WHAT" he said boldly. Today is Sunday every Sunday Darry makes chocolate cake,which is really good than is gone later. Monday, I walked with caution all the way to school, caution 1. The socs 2. LILLY. Now that I started to think about Lilly a lot it made me nervous to be around her and my adrenaline runs like crazy. I got to the court yard and waited for the bell I saw Lilly a couple times I lost a lot of my focus looking at her. The bell rang and I ran in after some classes I had English with Lilly, she got called on to read out loud she reads so clearly and perfect. Lunch came so I sat at next to the table Lilly and Cherry were sitting at, "hey Lil let's go do our plan" Cherry mentioned "okay" I heard Lilly say. As they walked away Johnny came and sat down next to me his parents let him go to school without abusing him "Hey" Johnny said softly "hi" I responded with. "Follow me" me I said distractedly "wait where we going" I went over to the table Lilly and Cherry were sitting at. I spotted a very interesting notebook that said Lillian Brown on the front and had a lock "this must be her diary" "who's" Johnny said confused "Lilly's" I said in a love daze. So I ran around the school trying to find her and I saw worst out of worst Lilly was hugging Randy. I was so distraught at this sight I stood near the door just watching. She was facing me when she was hugging Randy she looked at me like she had seen a ghost I dropped the diary and kept watching. She doesn't like me back my heart sank so low I needed a smack in the face to focus. Out of everyone she chose Randy WHY??? He is T.R.A.S.H ugggghhh I felt a rage of anger flow over me and almost broke the window. The bell rang and two more classes than I get to go rethink my life I came home and went straight into Soda's and my room Darry and Soda watched me open the door than go into my room. " Hey are you okay?" Darry asked.  "I'm fine" I said as I sat one the bed "Pony don't lie to me" "I don't really want to talk about it" " okay just tell me later" Darry said as he patted my shoulder and left. The only person I wanted to talk about this is Johnny speaking of Johnny he came right into my room. "Hey" I said depressed "hey what's wrong" Darry looked at Soda when I said "well"
"Okay I'm only doing this to help my kid brother" Darry whispered. "So you know Lilly?" I said "yeah I do" Johnny responded "I like her and she doesn't like me back" "how do you know?" Johnny asked. "She was hugging Randy" I said madly.

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