Chapter 25 Sleepover surprise

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   Pony's POV
I was furious with stupid Bob and Randy..I can't be to mad I mean Randy typically saved Lilly. BUT DAMN, I SHOULD'VE BEEN THERE IN THE SITUATION!!! When math was over I was gonna read the note on Lilly desk, if I stayed any longer the math teacher would've gotten hard on me. 
                             Lilly's POV 
The last bell had rung which signals the day is over, Prince Pony walked me home. "Hey, I will see you tomorrow?" "You got it prince" then he kissed me goodbye. "Oh and one more thing-." Before Pony could pint his acknowledgment of what he was going to say, dad interrupted us. I was a little bit upset "hi Lil" "OH hi dad" at first  I didn't know he was gonna come and interrupt us so I was stunned. MOSTLY BECAUSE HE PROBABLY WATCHED US KISS...GREAT JUST GREAT HE'S NOW GOING TO MAKE THIS A BIG DAD DEAL!!!!!!!! "Oh Pony 1 last thing." I moved up to him briefly and I kissed him on the cheek and smiled. "Bye Lilly, I will see you tomorrow." "Okay bye." Dad was silent for a few seconds "dad don't" I said as I hid my  face in my hands and went inside. "I wasn't gon' push it-.........OKAY SINCE WHEN DID SOME THINGS HAPPEN BETWEEN PONYBOY AND LILLY?" He said out loud for everyone to hear. "WHAT!!!!????" Paul screamed from and paused from reading his book. "It's nothing, I think dad has lost some brain cells." "Dad it's not serious or anything..I sware." Paul came out of the living room to come and question me. Great everyone in the world knew about Ponyboy and I, who's next...SANTACLAUSE?????? "Okay so what's wrong with Pony and I dating." "Well." Dad and Paul said at the exact same time. "Umm well what?" "I'm worried he might..try to...pull something..ON MY DAUGHTER!!!"  "Dad, dad, no Pony would never pull any of the guy tricks in the books." "The only people who would use those tricks are Dally and Steve. Maybe Two-Bit." "Oh yeah Steve. Lilly what about Steve?" I had my glass of water ready to be dramatic. "WHAT!? NEVER EVER EVER EVER!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, I knew dad was joking. "Man, that kids a mess." "You got that right." I said with sure look on my face. The doorbell rang."I'll get it" I went and opened the door. I was flabbergasted to see the sight of Randy. "Can I help you?" I said with a still shocked expression on my face. "Uhh NEWSFLASH...Bob's back to school!!" "WHAT?!?!" I turned around to notice dad and Paul staring at me. "Uhhhh I'll talk to you later. Here's my number." I handed him a small slip of paper with my number on it. "Okay bye." Randy walked away with his ski jacket and his khaki pants.
Dad's POV
I'm kinda concerned about a lot of things. Number 1, since when was Lilly dating Ponyboy?? I tend to ponder this question in my mind a lot. I could sense that Lilly was frightened that I would find out...I wouldn't of been mad that she's dating Ponyboy...I would just be concerned... I feel so oblivious about my daughter and just my life... At least Paul is still the same. "Hey Pal wanna go hunting with me?" "Course I do!" "Seth, be back before dark." "Yes, Angie!" I yelled and gave her a kiss goodbye. Paul fired up the truck. "LET'S GO POPS!!" I heard him yell, all I could do was cock an eyebrow at him.
Lilly's POV
I was upstairs writing in my diary when the phone rang "Hello?" "Uhh hey Lilly?" "Yeah Johnnycakes" "Can..." "Lilly supper time!!" Mom yelled to me "Johnny I've gotta go" "oh" Johnny stoped breathing for a minute. "Listen you can call me later." I dearly wondered what Johnny wanted, hmmmm I find out later. "Coming mom" I charged down the stairs and into the kitchen. She handed me plates and silverware to lay out. I was just finishing up rolling the forks in napkins when Paul and Dad barged through the door. I dropped the fork I was wrapping in napkin. Dad held 2 ducks.1 in each hand and Paul had 1 too. "MOM!!" Mom came into the room and nearly fainted. "WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO WITH 3 DUCKS?" After we ate dinner we as a family watched 1 of our favorite tv programs. Dad also read the weekly paper. I was standing outside the living room and I yelled to Paul. "Hey Paul, have you found what guys call em', broads?" "What- LILLY SHHH." I pushed him into the living room for his monthly dad lecture. *10 minutes later* Paul came storming up the stairs. "Thanks a lot ya doinker." "My pleasure." He plopped down on my bed. "I got a lecture from dad." "I figured..I'm not trying to embarrass you, but you need a girlfriend. Darry even has 1 so you need 1 too." Paul sat and thought for a second. It was around 9 Mom and Dad went to bed, Paul also did too, he had work tomorrow. I sat on the couch reading a book dozing into my thoughts about Pony. I loved him so much. I feel asleep and that was a bad idea..The door bell rang scaring me half to death. I sat on the couch with my hand on my heart I could feel my pulse running like the wind. Note I was in my pajamas. I opened the door still shaking. "Johnny?" "I was wondering if I could spend the night here." He said in a half awake tone. "Uhh sure." "You good?" I asked him, I was always worried about him soo much. Sometimes my parents give him some money to get food if his own and always offer our house for him to stay at. "Oh yeah." Johnny said in a really depressed tone. "Good-." "My parents kicked me out again." Johnny said before I could finish my sentence. "Oh Johnny I'm so sorry." I said leading him up the stairs. I was getting him a sleeping bag. "Johnny, how have you managed to keep up with this?" I said and tears came running down my cheek. "I've had to deal with this ever since I was 11." I still kept crying. And I know I sound pathetic but when people are mistreated it really makes me sad. I dropped my book and I kinda did a trust fall on Johnny, he acted quick and he caught me. My head went into his shoulder and he hugged me. "Lilly, why are you so upset about this?" Johnny said confused. "Because-my-my-." "Shhh it's okay." Johnny was sitting on my bed next to me, he hugged me and rocked me to sleep. Before I broke down into a sad meltdown, I was worrying about where to put Johnny. I didn't want dad to find him in my room to think I was cheating on Ponyboy, WHICH I'M NOT!!! I woke up and stared at the ceiling for a minute then I looked up at my wall clock it read 7:34. I sat to find Johnny still asleep laying on the floor with his jacket and his legs curled up, he looked so peaceful. He then woke up seconds later. "Good morning Lilly." "Good morning Johnny." "And thanks for letting me sleep here." "Any time you need." "I would of stayed with Ponyboy but he wasn't home. He must've been hanging out with Kassie Dunlop." "Who the hell is Kassie Dunlop?" "1 of Pony's friends." "OH TOTALLY" I raged and felt my face get hot. I was so PI**ED THAT MY BOYFRIEND WAS HANGING AROUND WITH A 'CHICK' THAT I'VE NEVER MET!!!! I clenched my fists and grinded my teeth. "I'm gonna get going." "Oh okay take care." Johnny came over and gave me a hug. It was so weird..the hug felt so good and strange at the same time. "Bye Johnny" "bye Lilly." I was so upset with Pony, WHAT THE HELL WAS HE THINKING? A few seconds later dad appeared in my doorframe..he came over to my bed and sat down without a word. I was so confused. "Thank you." He said and smiled, "excuse me?" "Thank you for letting Johnny stay." "Of course" I hugged him. "When I was...Johnny's parents...they would do the same thing...that Johnny's to him." I stopped breathing and turned as white as a ghost. "WHAT?!?!" "Yeah..they did." Dad looked upset and displeased. My throat began to throb from holding back tears and my eyes began to water. "I know it how that upsets you honey." I slammed into his chest and he hugged me so tight. A few seconds later I pulled myself out and wiped my tears. "You know about all that talk-?" "Yes I do." With that I slammed back into dad. Paul walked by and asked "is she okay?" I vaguely heard his voice. Then I dozed off.
    Paul's POV
Lilly was upset for a reason I was unsure of. I felt bad for her. She feel asleep which made it easier to find out what's wrong. " It's Johnny!" "Is he okay?" I said panicked, Johnny was 1 of the nicest guys I've ever knew "his parents kicked him out again and he needed a place to stay." "Oh that's..terrible" I was looking for a more serious word than bad. "I heard them talking last night..and Lilly got very upset...You know why right?" "Dad, of course I do...I'm so sorry you had to go through that." "I know pal, I know." He patted me on my back.

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