Chapter 1: New Neighbors?

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"Emily, it's time to get up!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs. I groaned, looking over at my small alarm clock on the nightstand. 6:28, it read. Great, by the time I got dressed and forced Lucy out of her bed, it would be almost 7:00, which means that we'll be late for school for sure. Jumping out of bed, I ran out of the bedroom and into my younger sisters room, thankful to see her already up and doing her hair.

"Morning, Emmy." She said over her shoulder, already knowing who was at the door without having to turn around.

"Morning, Lucy. Think we can leave in 20?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'll be ready soon. Aren't you flipping out about today?!" She asked me.

"No?" I said. "Why?"

"Okay, you have seriously been living under a rock, every knows that Cody Simpson is starting at our school today!" She exclaimed excitedly, holding her hairbrush to her chest and looking off into space with a hopeful look in her eyes.

"Oh yeah, see I think you're the only one who cares that much about a YouTube star going to our school." I laughed before backing out of her room just in time to doge the hairbrush that she chucked at me.

Walking back to my room, I closed my door behind me and went straight to my bathroom to straighten my hair. I have naturally curly hair, just like my mom and Lucy, but I decided to do something different for today. Once I was done, I did my makeup as usual, only adding a little mascara and some eyeliner before walking out of the bathroom and into my closet, where of course it took me 10 minutes to figure out what I felt like wearing, but after finally deciding on a pink ruffel shirt with tight skinny jeans and my black vans, I sprayed a little perfume on and then picked up my phone and stuffed it into my backpack. Once I was sure I had everything, I turned and walked back out of the room, closing the door behind me.

Skipping down the stairs and into the kitchen, I glanced at the clock and seen that it was 6:45. Smiling because we were doing pretty good on time now. I got a glass of orange juice and then walked into the living room, smiling a little more, seeing my little brother Jake sitting close to the TV eating a bowel of ceral while watching Spongebob. He turned to look at me with a toothy smile.

"Morning Emmy." He said.

"Hey little man. Why are you up so early?" I asked sitting beside him.

Jake shrugged his little shoulders at me before turning back to the TV. "I don't know. Couldn't sleep I guess."

I shook my head at him. "You are way to young to have trouble sleeping."

"Emily think we can hit up Starbucks?" Lucy asked from the kitchen.

I looked down at the time and sighed. "Yeah sure." I said and stood back up. "Jake, I'll see you later."

"You're leaving already?" He asked pouting.

"Yeah sadly. But hey, how about I pick you up from school a little early and then take you to the park for a little while?" I asked him and his grin widened.

"The water park?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Yeah sure, if you want to." I answered and he jumped up, hugging me tightly.

After saying goodbye, Lucy and I walked out to my car and hopped in. As I started to back out, I glanced over next door and noticed that their was a moving van parked outside the house next door. "Someone finally moved in next store?"

She nodded her head without taking her eyes off of her phone. "Oh yeah, they were here all night moving stuff. It was pretty annoying honestly."

I couldn't help but role my eyes at her Lucy literally thought that everything was annoying. Turning up the music on the radio, I started driving towards Starbucks. I couldn't help but wonder why anyone would move to Minnesota. I mean, nothing ever happened here. It was pretty boring. After we got our drinks and everything, we made it to school 10 minutes early. Lucy nods at me before running off with her friends, leaving me to walk inside alone, like usual. Unlike My younger sister, I didn't have very many friends in high school. I was one of those super quiet people who did their work and listened in class. Just doing whatever I had to do to graduate and get out of this place.

I went straight to my locker and stood there, trying to block out the annoying sounds of the growing number of teenagers around me. Someone tapped on my right shoulder, causing me to jump a little, turning around to see who on Earth would be trying to talk to me this early in the morning. That's when I seen him for the first time. The boy with the dirty blond hair and the most amazing electric blue eyes that I have ever seen in my life. The boy my little sister was obsessed with. Yep that's right. The Cody Simpson was standing right in front of me.

He cleared his throat and smiled a beautiful smile at me. "Hey, um I just needed to get to my locker."

Clearing my throat as well, I shook my head a little, trying to force myself to look away from him so I was a weirdo just standing there starring at him. "Um, sorry. What locker are you?"

"Um, 262 and-"

"And I'm in you're way." I said softly, moving over a little, my eyes watching as he came to stand in front of locker 262. I stayed quiet for awhile, not really knowing if I should say anything to him.

"So whats you're name?" He asked and I glanced at him from the corner of my eye.

"Emily." I answered softly, eyeing him as he closing his locker and leaned against it.

"Pretty name for a pretty girl." He said and I blushed a little. "I'm Cody."

"Yeah I know." I said softly. "My little sister is obsessed with you."

He sighed and looked down for a moment. Closing my locker as well, I turned to him. "Right, so um could you show me where my first class is? If you aren't busy or anything." He asked smiling that smile again, making me swallow the lump in my throat before nodding.

"Yeah sure." I answered.

I watched as Cody pulled out his schedule and showed it to me. I smiled a bit and told him it was right by my first period class. "Great, mind if I walk with you then?"

I shook my head just as the bell rang. "No, but we should probably get going."

He nodded his head and we started walking towards our first period classes. I told Cody that we also had three other classes together, including the next one. He smiled and asked me if I wanted to walk with him to that class as well, so of course I said yes, not wanting to seem rude. Once we go to the classrooms, Cody winked at me, saying a quick thank you before walking into the room.

It was already a very interesting day and it wasn't even 8 o'clock.

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