Chapter 35: Vacation! With Jake...

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~~ Everyone was silent for awhile until Alli and Lucy started clapping which caused out parents to break into smiles. "We already consider you part of the family, Emily. But congradulations!" 

"Yeah! I'm so happy now! This is going to be so much fun!" Alli said and I laughed as she hugged me.

"Congratulations sweet heart." My mom said and I smiled at her.

This went a lot better then I thought it would, I thought while we all started talking about our wedding. That's when it hit me that we were really going to do this. We were really going to get married. ~~


After dinner, Cody and I went to a hotel because somehow we decided to go to the beach for a week. The kind of vacation that we both wanted and needed. I drove all of us back home and then Cody kissed me goodbye so he could go and get his stuff from the house. 

I walked up to my room and grabbed a bag from my closet. As I was packing, Jake came running into my room. He jumped onto my bed and gave me a sad look as he looked up at me.

"What's the matter little man?" I asked as I walked into my closet to change.

He didn't say anything so I hurried up and changed into shorts and a sweatshirt. As I walked out, I pulled my hair into a messy bun and then sat by Jake. "Hey," I said and put my arms out and he came and sat onto my lap with his legs pulled up to his chest. "What's that matter?"

"Emmy can I please go with you? Please? I'll be good." He said and I looked up and seen Cody leaning in the door way watching me and Jake.

"Jake, this is something that me and Cody want to do together alone." I said and looked at him. 

"Please Emmy? Please. I don't want to stay here. Please." He begged and I ran a hand through his curly hair. 

I sighed and looked back up at Cody. He nodded his head and I gave him an I'm-sorry-look and he just smiled slightly. "Alright Jake. You can come."

Jake smiled up at me and kissed my cheek. He got up from the bed and ran out of the room, almost hitting Cody on the way. Cody just smiled and walked into my room all the way, closing the door behind him. "I'm sorry Cody." I said as he laid down on the bed in front of me.

"Don't worry about it. It's no big deal." He said and I sighed while running a hand through his hair.

"You know that we're not going to be able to do some of the things that we were planing on doing." I said and he sighed.

"Maybe we can." He said and wiggled his eyebrows at me. I just giggled and shook my head. 

"I don't think so, Cody." I said and he just smiled at me.

"We'll figure something out." He said and then sat up. "Did you pack a bathing suit?" 

I rolled my eyes. "Of course I did." I said and stood up. "But which ones better?" I said holding up a yellow one and a bright pink one.

He eyed them both for a moment before smiling. "Why don't you just bring them both."

I rolled my eyes and stuffed them both into my bags and then zipped them up. "Now, I'm going to go check on Jake and tell mom he's going with us."

"I'll take you're bags to the car." He said and came over to me.

When he picked up my bags and went to walk out of the room, I grabbed one of his hands and pulled him to me. "I'll make it up to you. I promise." I said quietly and he smiled slightly and we both lend in to kiss each other. 

"Emily Rose!" I heard my name and I pulled away from Cody a little and he smiled.

"Oooo someone's in trouble." He said and I gave him a look before hitting his arm lightly.

"Shut up." I said and walked around him. 

"Yes?" I said once I got downstairs.

"Jake's going with you?" She asked from the kitchen and I nodded my head.

"Yeah. He really wants to so why not?" I said and lend on the island.

"Well, he's already sitting in the car waiting." She said and came over to lean in front of me.

I laughed and shook my head. "Did he at least get his stuff packed?" 

She smiled a little and held up two bags. "Thank you for taking him. I know you and Cody wanted to be alone but..." She said wondering off.

I felt someone's hand on my butt but I didn't move. I only sat up straighter and looked at Cody who had a smirk on his face. "Um, Jake just scarred the crap out of me."

I giggled and looked at mom. "Well, I guess you guys should get going. Don't want you driving all night."

I smiled a little and reached back for Cody's hand. "I guess so."

Mom came up and hugged me tightly. "Be safe you guys." She said and then hugged Cody. "And you, remember that you have a kid with you."

Cody laughed. "Always." 

"Well, then I guess that's it then. Call me when you guys get there." She said as we walked out the door. 

We said goodbye and after sticking Jake's bags in the car, Cody got in the drivers seat and pulled away from the house. And after about 10 minutes of driving, I heard soft snores from the back and I couldn't help but laugh slightly. "Well that didn't take much."

"I guess not." Cody said and reached over to take my hand in his. "But that's alright. We gotta stop for gas anyway."

I looked out of the window as Cody pulled into a gass station and up to a pump. "Do you want something to drink babe?" He asked while turning off the car and unbuckling. 

"Um yeah sure." I said and got out of the car. "I'll go get something."

Cody came up and wrapped his arms around my waist as I walked away. "I don't think so. I'm buying."

I went to say something but was cut off by Cody's lips to mine. "Fine."

He smirked and we walked inside together. After getting drinks and paying for gas, we walked back out to the car. Jake was still sound asleep and he slept until we reached the hotel. Cody picked up up and carried him inside as I checked us in. We walked over to the elevator and waited till we got up to the 3rd floor and walked down the hallway to room 427. 

After walking in and kicking off our shoes, Cody walked into another room that was joined with ours and laid Jake down on the bed. I flopped down on ours as Cody walked in and did the same. "Tired?" 

I looked over at him. "A little."

He smiled and put his hand on my waist. "Me too." 

I smiled  back at him and reached down to take his hand in mine. I felt Cody's hand start to move up my sweatshirt a little and I reached down to stop it. "What?" He asked with a smile.

"Jake." I said and he just rolled his eyes at me.

"He's also sleeping. And I just wanna fool around." He said moving over me.

I giggled a little and crossed my arms over my chest. "Cody, no. It's to weird." 

He laughed and then sighed. "Fine." 

Cody bent down and pressed a kiss to my lips. He tried to deepen it but I pulled away and pushed him off of me. He just laughed and I turned off the light. "Just think," He said while pulling me closer to him as we got under the blankets and get settled for bed. "On our honeymoon, their is no saying no."

I laughed a little and moved to that we were face to face. "Oh yes their is."

He smiled and kissed the tip of my nose. "I love you."

"I love you too." I said and smiled.

"Goodnight beautiful." He whispered while holding me to him.

"Goodnight, Cody." I said and felt myself starting to drift off to sleep.


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