Chapter 26: Will You Marry Me?

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I woke up before anyone else did. I had the job of taking everything out to the car and making sure we had everything for the beach. Once that was done, I went back inside the hotel and up to Greyson and Jake's room. Greyson gave me another key to his room just in case I needed to get to Jake or anything.

Before I went inside, I knocked just to make sure Grey wasn't up and I was about to walk in on him changing or something. When no one answered, I unlocked the door and laughed as I seen what had happened to their room. Their were candy wrappers and soda cans everywhere. Bowls of half eaten popcorn were in the little kitchen and the two beds that were in the room were pushed together. I held back my laughter as best as I could as I reached back and took my phone out. I took a picture of the place and sent it to Twitter.

"I love how @GreysonChance has been feeding Jake nothing but junk food!" I typed and hit send.

I laughed and walked out of the room. Once I was back in my room, I looked over to the bed and seen a tired boy still laying their looking at his phone intently. He glanced up at me and then looked away. I frowned and walked over to sit on the edge of the bed.

"What's the matter?" I asked him and he quickly shook his head and put his phone up.

"Nothing.." He said sitting up and running a hand through his hair a few times.

"Cody, 2 things. 1, I can tell when you're lying and 2, I can also tell when you're upset." I said and Cody dropped his head and starred at his hands that were in his lap. We were both quiet for awhile. After about 10 minutes of just sitting there, I gave up.

"Fine. Don't tell me." I said and stood up.

"Em please don't be mad." He said and jumped up and raced over to me.

"I don't have anything to be mad about Cody." I told him. "Besides the fact that my boyfriend won't talk to me about what ever is bothering him!"

He looked hurt. "Em their are more pictures up with me and that blond girl." He said and I felt my heart sink.

"Wh - what?" I stuttered but he wouldn't look me in the eyes. "Cody what do you mean that their are MORE pictures?!"

"Em I'm so sorry." He said.

I could feel my heartbeat starting to speed up. "I want to see." I whispered.

Cody's head shot up and he finally looked me in the eyes. "Em,"

"Cody show me the pictures." I said and after a few minutes of just standing there Cody walked over and grabbed his phone.

A few minutes later he handed it to me and when I looked down, their was a picture of him and the girl hugging. Laughing. Eating lunch. Their was another one of them outside of a jewellery store. Then one of them leaving the store. Then the one that hurt me the most was one of the blond kissing Cody on the cheek. I looked up at Cody with watery eyes.

"Emily please just listen." He said trying to take my hands in his. I flinched a little but didn't stop him. "Em please just let me explain."

I stood there waiting for him to continue. "Em were just friends. I swear. I would never even think about leaving you."

"Who is she?" I asked.

"Her names Sarah. She's friends with Alli. Nothing happened Emily I swear." He said quietly. He looked away from me and let go of my hands. I watched his face closely and seen a tear slide down his face. Then another one. My heart was breaking at the site of him crying. I put my hands onto his face, taking him by surprise. He looked back up at me. I whipped away his tears with my thumb and stepped closer to him.

"I trust you Cody. I really do." I said.

"Em I just can't lose you. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me and I know what my life was like without you and I don't want to go back to that. Sarah was just helping me pick out something for you and-"

"Cody." I said interrupting him. "I understand."

He looked at me for a moment and then sighed and shook his head, causing my hands to fall down from his face. I wrapped my arms around my waist and looked away from his piercing blue eyes and sighed.

"I was going to wait till tonight to do this." He said. "But now's a good time I guess."

I watched as Cody took my hand and pulled me over to the bed and knelt down in front of me.

"Emily I know we're only 17. But like I said earlier, I don't ever want to lose you. Ever. And I know that I want to be with you forever. Their isn't no one that makes me smile and laugh like you do. And their isn't anyone that I would want to wake up to everyday...for the rest of my life." He said and I could feel my heartbeat getting faster and faster with every word he said.

My eyes started to water again as he talked and I felt my heart fluttering in my chest at where this was going.

I gasped as he reached over to his jean pocket that was laying on the floor and pull out a small box. When he opened it, I gasped again as I looked at the ring. It was beautiful. It had a big white diamond in the middle with two smaller once on either side of it.

"So, Emily Rose Carter, will you marry me?"

I looked him in the eyes. "I-I um."

(A/N Cliff Hanger!! What do you think she's gonna say?)

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