Chapter 7: Finally Together.

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This was it. Cody said that he liked me and I said it back. I bit my lip, a nervous habit that I had gotten when I was little, looking away from Cody's captivating blue eyes as I thought about my answer to his question. My eyes locked onto a random spot on my wall as I took a deep breath. I guess after a little while, everyone would get used to the fact that Cody and I were together and the starring and whispering would eventually die down... right? I let out the deep breath and looked back towards Cody who was watching me with a hopefully expression on his handsome face and I couldn't stop the slow smile from coming onto my lips.

"I do." I finally answered him.

The smile that took over Cody's face made my heart soar. "So it's alright to call you my girlfriend now?"

I giggled, nodding my head yes. Cody tugged on my hands, pulling me up so that I was standing straight in front of him. 'I hope you know what you're getting yourself into."

"I can get used to the starring and whispering, Cody." I said, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him down to me.

"I meant my family." His breathing seemed to quicken slightly at our sudden closeness.

"I should get home before my mum and dad start to freak out and assume that we ditched them."

I sighed, letting my arms fall from around his neck before nodding my head in agreement. I started to move away from him towards the door but I was stopped when Cody gripped my hand tightly and pulled me back into his chest. I put my hands on his chest to steady myself, my eyes going back to Cody's with a confused look on my face. Cody just smirked before wrapping his arms tightly around my waist before leaning down towards me and pressing his lips firmly to mine. Nothing stopped me from melting into his embrace the moment his lips met mine, this was the first time he had kissed me since yesterday at the pizza place. I had been waiting, hoping, that that wouldn't have been our first and last kiss, but now, I was sure that the wait had been completely worth it.

I knew that there was nothing more in this world that I wanted to do as much as I wanted to kiss him again and again and again, I had to get ready for the dinner with his family that we were having tonight and something told me that if he didn't leave now, I wasn't going to be able to let him leave later.

"As much as I want to kiss you again, I have to get home." He whispered against my lips. "But I'll see you tonight."

I nodded my head in reply, a small smile pulling on my lips. "I'll walk you out."

Cody and I walked down the stairs towards the front door, my hand held loosely in his. Just as we were about to reach the door, Jake suddenly called me from the living room and a small groan escaped my throat.

"Go ahead. I'll see you tonight." He said, placing a light kiss on my cheek. I waved goodbye to him as he walked out the front door. I made my way towards the living room where I heard Jake calling for me. He was laying on the couch upside down, his head and arms handing off the side of the couch as he watched cartoons. I couldn't stop the laugh that slipped my lips as I watched the goofy kid.

"What's up little man?" I smiled down at him.

"I'm hungry." He groaned.

"Well what do you want to eat?" I questioned, walking into the kitchen, hearing his feet padding behind hind me.

"Grilled cheese please." Jake grinned, jumping up onto one of the stools that was at the kitchen island.

I laughed at his toothy smile that he was giving me. "Sounds like a plan."

As I started going about making his food, there was literally nothing from stopping my mind from drifting off to Cody. The blond hair, blue eyed, handsome man that wouldn't leave my mind. My lips still tingling from our kiss, making my smile widen even more and it took everything in me to push the thoughts to the back of my mind as I cooked Jake his food.

Cody's P.O.V

As I crossed the yard and made the short walk from Emily's front door to mine, I knew that I had a huge smile on my face, my cheeks getting a little sore from smiling so much. I couldn't believe that she had finally said yes to being my girlfriend, because let's be honest, being my girlfriend wasn't an easy feat. Since I was growing more and more popular on YouTube and other social media's, people were become a little crazy. But it wasn't just my growing fame that worried me about mine and Emily's relationship, my crazy ass family was a whole other hurdle that needed to be handled. I walked inside my home and entered the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge and hopping onto the counter as I opened it.

"Why do you look so happy?" I heard my mum ask as she walked into the kitchen.

I looked up at her and my smile only grew. "Because he just got back from Emily's house." My sister mocked, walking into the kitchen too.

My mum laughed, raising her eyebrows at me. "So that's were you went right after school."

"Sorry. She was really upset about something and I wanted to make sure she was alright." I apologized, putting the cap back on the bottle.

"Well that's sweet. She's still coming over tonight right?" She asking sounding hopeful.

"Yes. She won't let me take her somewhere else." I groaned, only getting a laugh in return.

"Sounds like you don't want her to meet us." My dad chuckled, joining us in the kitchen.

"Well to be honest, you guys can get pretty embarrassing whenever I bring a girl home." I said. "And I really like her. So please just be nice. " I directed my words to Alli.

"I promise to be completely wonderful." Alli tried to reassure me but I never knew when it came to her.

"So tell us a little about her." My dad said as he leaned against the counter, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Well I know that shes really beautiful." Alli said. "I've seen her around school."

I smiled even bigger and nodded in agreement. "Yeah she is." And with that I started to tell them everything about her without thinking twice.

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