18 - reunited

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Emma's POV

I didn't believe Elizabeth for a minute, but when she said she knew the location of Maddy I had no choice but to do as she said. Me and Daniel went round Samantha's parents house where they were getting ready to go out, and told them what was going on according to Elizabeth. They were shocked and like me refused to believe what Elizabeth had said. So agreeing on this, we set out in search for our kids. We were getting quite tired after running the fastest we had ever run when we heard a voice. "I see you made it." It was John. We walked up to him and asked "Where is Maddy and Samantha?" He laughed at us. "They are safe with Alice. Nothing will happen to them." he said reassuringly, passing us meat. I remembered what Elizabeth had said and didn't take one. Everyone else took one except for Samantha's mum because I told her not to. Our husbands however was too tempted to remember what I had said to them. They took the meat and when they finished eating it, they looked really tired. "I think you need a rest" John said. I noticed he had a smirk on his face when he said it. I looked at him closely for the next minute as he talked about going to bring his van over. When he left, we sat in the dark together. It was 3 o clock in the morning and we were a bit tired from the lack of sleep, but I was determined to keep myself awake and made myself as energetic as possible. John arrived at only 4 o clock and by that time the boys were asleep and Samantha's mum had woken up from sleep.

(A/N: Samantha's mum is now gonna be referred to as Sarah. Thnks)

We were trying really hard to wake up the boys but when it seemed impossible to do, John offered to give them a lift back to the house while me and Sarah walked there. We helped carry them both into the car with our Wolfblood strength and then left them in the car with John who started driving towards the end of the woods. We were following close behind and when we were out of earshot, I turned to Sarah and said, "They have been drugged .We have to help them wake up but I don't know how." Sarah kept running for a minute then looked worriedly at me, "I think we should just hope that it wears off soon and that John won't do anything that big as in they will never be able to wake up or anything." ouch. Ii kept quite about this until we reached a building which was big and had lots of windows covering it. I tried to look inside and see if I could find Maddy and Samantha, but the windows were all closed.

John was already there. Ii saw him opening the door of the passenger seat and smiled at us as we headed over to see. The boys were not fully conscious but they were starting to stir. I went over to Daniel to try and wake him again. I was so busy doing this that I didn't realise John had sneaked up on me. When I turned round, I saw Sarah collapsed and he about to inject me with something. I jumped and tackled him to the floor and took the injection and threw it on the floor and it broke. John had hit his head severely so I took this chance to get myself inside the house. It was unlocked and I ran inside trying to find Maddy's and Samantha's scent. It took me five minutes to find their scents but when I did, I ran to it. they were locked in a cage and tied to the walls, asleep. There was a girl sitting next to the cage and when I looked harder I realised it was Alice. She knew what was going on. Luckily she was asleep and so I tried looking for the keys to fit the lock. Suddenly, I was being pushed back and I saw Alice opening the cage. She then pushed me in and locked the door as I tried to push against her. She was very strong. Almost too strong. I asked her, "What are you doing?" she just smiled at me and nodded her head and replied to me by saying, "I have been sworn to secrecy." and then she left the room. I looked around at Maddy and started crying, then I felt something go into my arm and I collapsed.

Elizabeth's POV

I tried to call both Emma and Sarah but they won't picking up so I decided to go and see what was going on. I ran as fast as I could to the building where Maddy and Samantha was kept hoping that Emma and Sarah had got there safely. I couldn't smell them as I walked around keeping well hidden in the bushes. As I made my way further and further to the back of the old building, I started to hear voices. I could also hear small sobs. I tucked my hair behind my ears and listened carefully. Thee was a low voice that was addressing the other people in the room with him. "No longer Wolfbloods. When todayi is over and the sun goes down, you will not be able to howl at the moon. You are humans and no one will be scared of you anymore. Humans will not fear your kind..." I knew then exactly what was happening. The people in there were no longer wolfbloods. I heard a door close as the speaker left the room. Then, after a minute, I went in.

It was true, I didn't know what to do. There was a big locked cage in front of me andit consisted of 6 people: Emma, Sarah, Maddy, Samantha and their dads. If I wasn't careful enough, there would be 7 in the cage. Suddenly, I saw something. It looked like a gap in the wall in the cage above shoulder length. I got Emma's attention and the 6 worked together to make the hole big enough for them to get trough. I went out the back door and tried to find where it was outside. I was still keeping hidden but apparently not well because in front of me was a very smug looking John staring at me.

"I am now as powerful as you so I wouldn't do that." He said swing me growl at him. " What do you mean, a Wolfblood is stronger than any human." I said knowingly. He started laughing at me. When he had calmed down, he replied "I have injected myself with a substance that I made myself which gives me the power of Wolfbloods and all their abilities, Boss." I ran at him, his tone making me twice as angry as I was before. I tried to pin him to the ground but he just threw me off. He took a step towards me and punched me in the face trying to knock me out. When he didn't succeed, he tried again and again as I fought him back. We were fighting like this for a long time until, I pretended to fall and he laughed at me and ran away. I instantly got back up as soon as he was gone. Then I found Emma coming out from the side of the building everyone else waiting outside for her. I ran and helped her up. "He has the abilities of a Wolfblood because of a substance he took and he has taken away your abilities from you and I think I can work out a way to get them back before sunset."

We were planning a route to get into the place without getting seen. Maddy told us that Alice would be in there as well as John and that they were both out to get us. We had a lot of work to do if we were going to get past both of them and the guards and anyone else in the house. Great.

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