2 -Trust

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After another month, Maddy and her family were ready to go. Segolia had helped them sort everything on settling into Canada. They had their visas, passports and citizenships ready.Maddy had a school to go to, Maddy's mum and dad got their work sorted and they had a house they could live in. They were all ready to go to Canada with everything packed and ready. There was a knock on the front door. Maddy opened it and let Dacia in. " I came to say goodbye and good luck to you all and i hope you settle in well at your new house in Canada. I also found out i  am going to your school, Bradlington High, for work experience. Anything you wat to say to anyone while I am there seeing as i am a messenger." She was looking at Maddy for an answer. "Tell Rhydian i said to say hi." Maddy gave her a photocopied drawing of Rhydian to her.

After Dacia left, Maddy's family went to bed early so that they could wake up early in the morning. Mady hoped that one day, Rhydian would come to Canada to her or she would go back so that Rhydian wouldn't be a lone wolf as he was before and he would still be part of her pack.The next morning, Maddy woke up to the ringing of her phone. It was Dacia. "I am coming to pick you up soon. You are safe here now. see you soon." Maddy didn't have time to tell Dacia that they had already left and was in the ship out at sea.

A few hours later they had arrived. maddy had been eager to get out of the ship and go back but she knew it was too late. Oh well she thought. as they came through the arrival section, they were met by a man who said he was from Segolia. maddy's family thought that all the workers at segolia were wolfbloods so they thought nothing of the strange stares he gave them.

It took about 50 minutes to reach their new home. They went inside and took a look around the house they were going to stay in. It looked a bit like their old home only there were swings outside and a big TV stuck to the wall. Maddy went to her new room which looked totally different to her old room. The walls were blue like the sky on a summers day and she had a big bed facing the wndow and she had a big wardrobe with a lock on where she thought she would hide her stuff. When they came down they saw that the driver was still there. "Did you like your rooms? I was just going." He said.                                     " No no do stay for something to eat. What would you like? I mean we have only  a little bit of meat from the journey, but o you prefer it raw or cooked?" Maddy's mum asked the driver thinking that he didn't seem like a wolfblood. "Cooked please." came the reply.

After they had finished the drivers phone rang. He went into the kitchen to speak to whoever was on the phone. "They seem like a dfferent species. They asked me if I wanted raw meat. I think they might be..." he stopped talking to the man and switched it off.There in the doorway of the kitchen stood three snarling facces looking at him angrily. "I thought you weren't a wolfblood. You didn't smelll like one or act like one. You are a human and if you say anything about this we will find out and the punishment will be worse." Maddy threatend him. "I promise." the driver said and walked to the door. The wolfbloods saw himleave and Maddy's dad said, "It is not safe here anymore." Maddy was shocked by this and replied to her dad. "I am not leaving here unless it is to go back. It is safer back at home now. I will not leave otherwise. If he does tell his freinds then we give him a punishment like I said to him." then she ran upstairs and slammed her bedroom door.

Meanwhile, after driving back to Segolia in Canada, he found his freind. "Sorry bout before the phone went out of charge. They are normal humans, they said they thought i was a wolfblood." his freind Tonny looked at him. "Are you sure?" he asked. John Kincaid decided to keep his findings to himself and not tell his freind." 100 percent sure."

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