House of Stitches/House of Resurfacing

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Nina started to daze off as she heard a lot of people screaming and saw a lot of white surrounding her. "What's this patient's name?" Her doctor asked.

"Nina Martin!" A nurse was running alongside her doctor as he asked, "What was the cause of this injury?"

"Her friends said that she was running away from a mugger and got stabbed in the thigh!" Nina slowly opened her eyes and closed them again. Oh no, she thought, they lied again.

"Take her to emergency room! This girl needs stitches in!" The nurse stated. Did that nurse just say that they were witches? She thought to herself. "I'm going crazy." Nina whispered to herself.

Joy, Alfie, Jerome, Mara, Fabian, and Amber patiently waited in the waiting room. "Okay, I now, officially have a fear of hospitals!" Jerome declared. "Why?" Mara asked.

"This is the second-wait no-fourth time I've been here! And one of those times were because my friend was having a baby."

"Jerome, just because you saw Mia's head when Patricia was having her baby, doesn't mean you have to be afraid of hospitals." Joy chimed in.

"You looked?" Amber asked. "That's sick." Alfie stated. Fabian stood up as a nurse was coming their way. "Is Nina going to be okay?" Fabian asked. "She's going to need a few stitches, but, I think she'll be fine. You can come and see her if you like." The nurse assured.

"Wait, don't I know you?" Alfie wondered. The nurse frowned. "I don't think so." The nurse immediately turned away, but that's when Alfie realized that she did know him, and he knew her. "Nurse Delia?"

"That's Delia?" Jerome asked. Joy gasped. "You were one of the people who kidnapped me!"

"Technically, it wasn't kidnap, it was protection." Nurse Delia corrected. "Same difference." Joy frowned.

People were starting to stare, so Nurse Delia said, "Look, if you want to speak to me, meet me at the clearing at 8-ish." Delia walked away. "It's like everyone that was apart of that society is-" Fabian thought for a minute. "resurfacing."

"Including Jason." Amber added. "But why?" Alfie asked. Fabian walked to Nina's room to see if she was okay, the others trailing behind. She was asleep, but was waken up by the sound of the door closing. "Hi." She greeted.

"Are you okay? I was so worried." Fabian stated. "I'm fine. I just want to sleep." Nina smiled. "Okay. I love you."

"I love you too." Fabian kissed her forehead, and everyone left.

As soon as she knew that they were gone, Nina searched for her phone. She dialed Patricia's number, and she picked up. "Nina, are you okay? Sorry I didn't come with, I had to take Mia back to Anubis House." Patricia told her.

"Patricia, it's fine. I've been better. But Black Trench Coat was here. I got a note on my coffee cup from her."

She picked it up once again, and it said, Sorry I lost my temper. Want some cream with your coffee? -BTC

"It's strange and I don't feel safe at the hospital anymore." Nina admitted. "Just get some sleep. Nobody's going to attack you or anything, okay?"

"Don't say that! In the movies, everytime someone says something that will probably eventually happen, it happens!" Nina yelled through the phone. "We're not in the movies though' Just calm down, and sleep." Patricia hung the phone up.

Nina sighed, and started to play Candy Crush, as she knew that she wasn't safe anywhere anymore.
Was this chapter worth your wait? And how you feel about the Nurse Delia resurfaced?

Will Nina be attacked like Patricia said?


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