House of Beginnings/House of Secrets

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"Patricia Williamson and Nina Martin. You have been accused of stealing, breaking and entering a crime scene, and the murder of Jason Winkler. Is this true?" Detective Cracken pressured.

"We didn't lay a hand on him!" Nina answered.

"Nina, calm down." Patricia said. "No, he's accusing us of a crime we didn't commit! Isn't this against the law? She has a child!"

"Is it in her stomach?" "Does it have to be?"

"Stay here." Cracken left the room, leaving a dirty Patricia and Nina the room.

Now, I know what this looks like. An interrogation. But, we were framed. We didn't do anything. And our friends and husbands know that. The rest of the world doesn't.

We were caught sniffing around something we weren't supposed to sniff up. We dug up pretty weird secrets about Jason Winkler and his deal with Black Trench Coat.

I know what your thinking, you thought that we thought it was over. It wasn't. It never is.

For instance, when we found out that...

You know what, I'm going to start from the beginning.


Season 6 baby! You like how I started this story off and everything?

What were Nina and Patricia doing in an interrogation room?

How were they framed?


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