House of Interception/House of Testifying

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Fabian sat on his bed, typing in something hardly and fastly, which irritated Eddie. He threw a pillow at Fabian. "You hit me with a pillow." Fabian stated, throwing it back. "I know." Eddie replied, catching it. "Stop typing."

"This is for your benefit, so you better-" Fabian's sentence was cut off by an unconcious Eddie, who was falling back into the torturous dream.

Eddie was standing in dark clouds, where Ra, the sun god, rose up. And so did Sophia. "What are you going to do with him?" She asked. "Hush, fool. You've done enough damage." Ra held his hand out, and the Eye of Horus shone out in his hand. "Osirian, descendant of Osiris, you have disable the Touchstone of Ra, and it cannot be inacted for another thousand years. For this, you will be punished." Eddie saw a ball of sun rise up beneath him, so he ran. Everywhere Eddie went, balls of sun, which were actually fire, were lit up upon his bare feet.

Eventually, Eddie caught on fire, but water was dumped on him, by the another god. Set, God of Destruction. Set waved his hands out, and the dark clouds were no longer there. Instead, they were in Egypt, and black clouds and tornadoes filled the sky. Set made the road fly up, and just as it was about to hit Eddie, he woke up.

When Eddie woke up, he could still hear the woman's voice.

"How can I still hear you?" Eddie whispered to himself. "What are you talking about?"

"Eddie!" Fabian called. Eddie slowly got out of bed, and sat down on Fabian's bed. "What'd you find?" He asked. "The Blue Moon appears when the Chosen One and the Osirian are coming into their powers, and they suffer from turning into deadly beasts that feast on flesh."

"We've established that Fabian. Keep going." Eddie said, sleepily.

"The Chosen One has a dream of what she wants the most, and what she fears is what's going to happen. The Osirian doesn't have these dreams, but he is continuously tortured by his enemies at a time of weakness. That means when you go to sleep. These nightmares won't stop until the Osirian has a special Egyptian antidote to stop these nightmares. The Chosen One also hums to her Osirian when he has his nightmares, even from afar." Fabian explains.

"Nina's the one singing to me." Eddie breathed.
He zipped up his jacket as he fixated his eyes on his bow tie. He fixed it, and adjusted his gray hair. He gulped, sat down, and started to read what he looked up.

The descendant of Anubis will be crowned and a sacrifice must be made.

"Descendant..." He trailed off. He looked at his pager, and gasped. "I'm late!" He yelled. He left his home, and rushed to the courthouse.
Nina and Patricia waited for their testifiyer patiently. They watched as the jury filed in, but he burst through the the door. "Here, sire! Sorry, I was doing research." He slowed down, and the security guard held out the black stamp. "Do you, Eric Sweet, promise under the country of England, to tell the truth, only the truth, and nothing but the truth?" He asked. He put his hand out on the stamp, his other hand raise in the air, and said, "I do."

He sat down in the chair, and waited for Jason's lawyer to start talking. "Eric Sweet. Do you hereby know that these two are innocent, correct?" He asked. Eric nodded.

"They are convicted of the murder of Jason Winkler, and here's the proof." The prosecutor took out a picture of Nina and Patricia trying to escape Jason's apartment, before being caught by the police.

"Objection! Your honor, what does this have anything to do with the subject?" Nina's and Patricia's lawyer asked. "If she would let me finish, I could finish explaining."

"Objection overruled." The judge pointed to the prosecutor.

"Eric, can you point to Edison Miller?" The lawyer asked. Eric gulped, and said, "He's in the third row, wearing the blazer, next to the black haired boy, Fabian Rutter."

"Can you explain of how Jason Winkler's body mysteriously ended up in his car? Unless they were going to finish their job and bury him where they couldn't be blamed for his murder."

"I believe it was blackmail. Somebody trying to threaten them." Mr. Sweet answered. "Would you know who?"

"No." He answered. "Remember, Eric. You're under oath, and if you're lying-" Eric cut the lawyer off. "I'm not!"

"Court is over. Time to go." The judge hit the desk with his hammer. Patricia and Nina glanced at each other, and then they were cuffed and took back to jail.
I bet you expected someone else to testify! Now, you are going to choose who's going to testify, because I really don't know who to choose next. There's so many! And it can't be Nina or Patricia.

What did Nina's song mean by, 'This is a big betrayal, and you never knew that it was me.'? Suspicious.


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