House of Explanations/House of Unraveled

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"I gave you the book." Eddie said, as he set the Forbidden Book down on the table. "Can I please tell my wife now? Or can I get a hint in what's going on?"

"I think he's ready." The man smiled. The lead man stepped up, and started to explain. "We need four ingredients to make Utopia. Your friends' trust, Nina's dagger, the Chosen One, and the Forbidden Book. When your friends finally start to trust us, the Forbidden Book will lay out on the table. You will hold out Nina's hand, and gently cut the tip of her middle finger. Her blood will spill onto the book, and the book resembles the world, and your sister has the purest of all hearts, which will cause Utopia. This will cause the entire world to fall into a deep sleep, including your friends. When everyone wakes up, they will be happy, and no darkness or evil will be left in the world."

"Okay." He gulped, trying to take in what they just told him all in. "Do I get a cake now?" Eddie joked, trying to lighten his mood. "This is not something to joke about, Osirian. This is important." One of the men stated.

"Yeah, yeah." Eddie was silent for a bit, before orbing out, saying, "I need to go see Patricia.

"Where is he?! I know you know Nina!"

"I don't think you can corner a pregnant woman." Nina replied.

Just as Nina said that, Eddie had flashed in. "Hello." He calmly greeted. "Where have you been?" Patricia asked. "Out." He replied. "Where, 'out'?" Patricia interrogated. "Excuse me, have I been put in jail again?" Eddie sarcastically said.

"I'm not kidding with you Eddie. You have a secret. Married couples aren't supposed to keep secrets from each other." Patricia said, serious now. "Like you haven't kept one from me." Eddie retaliated. Patricia scoffed, but her and Eddie stopped arguing when she heard Mia crying. "It's okay, stop crying." Patricia tried to comfort her child, but her daughter, also known as the Isis, formed a forcefield around herself.

"What's she doing?" Joy asked, entering the room along with the rest of Sibuna. Mia's forcefield began to swirl, and images were shown.

The images were when Eddie was turned into a Eaxier. The heads were shown, and the Eye of Horus was shown. Three strikes of lightning were shot into Eddie's forehead, and the Eye of Horus was stamped on his head, then it faded away.

"Congratulations, Osirian. You are now an Eaxier."

Eddie closed his eyes.

"Eddie?" Nina asked. "Mhmm?" He replied. "What was that?" Amber added. "You may have just seen me turn into an Eaxier."

Eddie slowly opened his eyes, and Mia was calming down, but what surprised him, was that Patricia wasn't fuming. He heard her gulp. "Weasel-Eddie-I'm not mad that you became an Eaxier, but I'm mad that you became an Eaxier and didn't tell me." Sibuna was out of the door, and Patricia and Eddie were left in the room.

"I didn't tell you because I was told not to."

"So, you chose listening to a bunch of hippies in black robes instead of your wife?" Patricia asked. Eddie was about to say something else, but Patricia had beat him to it. "I always knew that there was something different about you. I know when someone's keeping a secret. I didn't know it was as big as that one."

Patricia walked out the door. "Patricia!" Eddie shouted. He ran his hands through his hair, and banged his fist on the table.

When he banged his fist, it left a golden outing on the table, and time was reversed. Eddie stood there, watching, and he was orbed out, and back in. "Where have you been?" Patricia asked.

"Didn't you just say that?" Eddie asked. "Say what? Answer the question, Weasel."

"I was, um, walking. I wanted a plain bagel, so I walked to Starbucks."

"Why didn't you just get one from downstairs? From the kitchen?" Nina asked. "Trudy only buys the blueberry bagels. I like plain."

Patricia looked at me suspiciously, before nodding. "Okay, I believe you." Patricia smiled, and came to hug me, but her smile froze.

"Patricia?" I glanced over to Nina, who was frozen too. "What's going on?"

Three Eaxier men all appeared. "What do you think you're doing?" The man snapped. "I-I don't know. One minute, Patricia was walking out the door, the next, my fist was on the table, and here I am now." Eddie explained.

"Tampering with your powers, especially if you don't know when you're using them, is dangerous."

"I wasn't 'tampering', it just happened!"

"Be careful, Osirian. Before you unlock another power you don't wanna unlock." He warned.
Another end to another chapter!

What other Eaxier powers will Eddie unlock?

Will Sibuna find out about Eddie? Eventually?


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