House of Entrapment/House of Hospital

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Patricia and Nina explained what they saw to the police. "So you're saying that when you turned away, then turned back around, Jason was gone."

"Yep." Patricia said. Nina stood right beside her. There was this feeling in her stomach that made her feel all kinds of wrong. Yes, they lied to the police. They didn't tell them about the recorder. The police wrote what they said down, and drove away in the cop cars.

Patrcia and Nina finally took a breath, and turned to look at their frowning friends. "What?" Patricia asked. "We want the truth." Joy ordered. "And we want it now." Amber demanded.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Right Nina?" Patricia nudged Nina, and Nina stopped daydreaming. "What are you talking about?"

"The weird looks when you're looking your phone and how Jason's body mysteriously appears when you came-" Nina cut Jerome off. "You don't think we were responsible for that do you?" She asked.

"It's debatable." He answered. "Jerome!" Joy smacked her boyfriend's chest. "I'm sorry, but after the whole Kek fiasco, I just don't think I can handle this anymore."

"Debatable? Why you little-" Patricia was about to go full-on pyscho crazy on Jerome, but Nina held her back. "Guys, will you listen to yourselves! You're going to tear each other apart!" Fabian yelled.

"We're not going to tear each other apart, Fabian. We're just-" Mara paused for a couple seconds, "conflicted."

"Conflicted over what!? All of you took an oath!" Amber screamed. Joy, Mara, and Jerome backed out of the summerhouse slowly. You could tell they were about to whisper, 'Sibuna,' which indicates that they're out, until someone slammed and locked the door, leaving all of them in the dark.

"This is so ironic, since this is called a summerhouse." Alfie commented. "And now I have to pee!"

"There is no bathroom in this summerhouse, trust me." Eddie told him. "Like I'd ever go here!"

"Why do you have to pee all of the sudden anyways?" Patricia asked. "Everytime I get stuck in the dark, I suddenly have the urge to pee!"

Patricia's phone beeped. She picked it up and a picture of Sibuna popped up.

Friends stick together like glue, and your glue is falling out all over the place. - BTC

Then, a baby started crying. Patricia turned on the flashlight on her phone, and saw Mia in a baby carrier-pouch on his back. "You brought Mia to a crime scene?"

"Well I couldn't very well leave her at the house now could I?!" Eddie yelled. Mia started crying even more. Patricia sighed.

"Oh, baby." Patricia lifted her out of the pouch. "It's okay, it's okay. Shh... It's okay."

"I'm gonna die if I don't let it come out!" Alfie screamed. He was on the urge of doing the pee-pee dance, but he was not going to embarass himself that easily. Especially, in the dark.

"For the love of Pete! Alfie, just go already!" Mara yelled. Alfie pouted, and asked, "Where?"

"Anywhere! Just shut up!" Alfie shrugged, and zipped down his zipper. They all heard him peeing, and said, "Ew," and, "Gross," and, "Alfie!"

Nina and Patricia's phone beeped. They both quickly looked at their phones.

I've had enough fun with you. -BTC

The front door opened, and Alfie zipped his zipper back up. A black trench coat ran by the front of the door, and Nina chased after her. "Nina!" Fabian screamed.

"Are you insane?" Jerome asked. She still went after her. "I think Nina's finally lost her mind."

"Let's go after her, idiot!" Patricia ordered. She ran out of the summerhouse, everyone else trailing behind her.

By the time they got to Nina, she was tackling Black Trench Coat to the ground. "Go Nina!" Alfie cheered. Sibuna glared at him. "Sorry." He apologized. Black Trench Coat got out her pocket knife, and stabbed Nina. She fell to the ground, releasing Black Trench Coat. She ran away.

Fabian dropped to the ground with Eddie and asked, "Nina, are you okay?"

She uncovered her hand to reveal a bloody scar in her thigh. "Take me to the hospital."
Is Nina going to be okay?

Will she get unexpected visitor(s) at the hospital?

(I'm gonna go all Total Drama on you now.)

Find out next time on HOA: Season 6!


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