House of Advice/House of Sisters

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Patricia sat on the couch in morning, after eating Trudy's breakfast when Joy came to sit next to her. "Unless you're here to watch Dancing with the Stars with me, I don't want to hear it."

"You're mad at me?" Joy asked. "Nina has been using me to talk to Fabian ever since yesterday." Patricia turned to face Joy. "What are you two hiding from her-us-anyway?" Patricia finally asked.

"Can't tell you. You would freak. And so would I. Again." Joy shuddered. "Can you at least tell me what's it about?" Patricia asked. "It's about the missing nine months."

"Then you have to say something!" "I can't, it would hurt the people I care about too much, and I don't want that to happen!"

"By mean Jerome and Nina?" Patricia questioned. Joy looked down in shame. Patricia took Joy's hands, and Joy looked back up. "If you don't want to hurt Jerome, then tell him the truth." She advised.

"When did you come so advice-y?" Joy smiled. "Ever since I agreed to go shopping with Amber." Patricia replied. When Joy left the room, Patricia got a call. Piper, her phone said. She picked it up.

"Hey Piper, how's music school?" Patricia asked, excited to hear from her sister. "Patricia, I know what happened to Jason Winkler." Piper admitted.

"I'd rather not talk about that Pip-"

"I saw Jason right before his death." She admitted. "How? Were you even in Liverpool the night of the murder? Why were you?" Patricia questioned.

"Patricia, I can answer all those questions if you just open your front door." Piper said. There was a knock at the door, and Patricia answered. Everyone came downstairs after hearing the knock at the door.

"You guys remember Piper, right?" Patricia reminded them. Alfie and Jerome came out of the room, and Alfie went wide-eyed. "Hi, Alfie." Piper greeted. Amber scowled. "P-p-p, p-p-p-" Jerome nudged him, and he finally said, "Piper."


Jerome felt Joy drag him back inside his room. "What is going on between you and Fabian?" Jerome asked. "You know that secret we were keeping from you?" Jerome nodded. "Well it's-" By the time Joy was going to confess, Jerome and Joy's phone buzzed.

Joy read her text, and it said, Thought you'd get there before me? Please. -BTC.

Jerome read his out loud. "Joy and Fabian sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G. Thought you should know. Black Trench Coat. " Jerome becomes silent for a minute, and walks out the door. Joy follows him. "FABIAN!"

Fabian walks out of his room, Joy mouths to him. 'go back inside.' "You kissed my girlfriend?!"

"You told him?!" Fabian yelled. "It was all Black Trench Coat." Joy said.

Everyone steps out from the common room. Jerome was about to punch Fabian, when he got a flashback.


"What are we supposed to be looking for exactly?" Jerome asked. "An article, a book, something to bring Nina back." Mara answered. A big book fell on Alfie's foot. "Owwie! I hurt my big toe! Ow!" Alfie screamed, hopping up and down on one foot. Jerome picked the book up, and examined it. It said on the front, 'The Forbidden Book.'

When he was dusting the dirt off it, he started walking towards Mara, and accidently bumped into her. They both fell on the floor.

Jerome gasped, and asked, "Did Victor clean out the cellar when he left?"

"Possibly, why?"

"Remember the antechamber?" Jerome smirks. "Oh, no." Nina groans.

"I think there's something down there we should look for. "

Piper's back! And what kind of saw did she mean? Did she mean 'saw saw', or, 'saw, saw'. Is there really a difference?

Will Nina forgive Fabian?

What is the Forbidden Book?

Why did Jerome have that flashback?


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