House of Questions/House of Books

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"So, where's this 'DeeDee Swatson', now?" Detective Cracken asked. Alfie had just played him the recording of DeeDee saying he killed Jason. "She, um-"

Jerome lied for him. He couldn't say she was killed, they'd probably go to jail for that too. "She escaped when we caught her. DeeDee's probably living it out in France right now."

Sibuna was released, since they found out who was the real killer.

"I need to go! My makeup is waiting for me!" Amber screamed, running out of the police station and into Eddie's car.

Eddie said that Nina could drive, he could just flash to the house. "Why?" Patricia asked. "I'm going to get Chinese for you." Eddie smiled. Patricia stared at him, before walking inside his car. "Just for her? You do know that I'm starving here." Alfie stated.

"For all of you." Eddie replied. As Nina drove away, Eddie went behind the buliding. He made sure no one was looking, and flashed out.
"Why exactly do I have to lie to my wife and friends?" Eddie asked. He was at the place where the Eaxiers lived.

"Because, Osirian, they may not understand what you have become. They don't exactly trust us yet." The man replied, looking into the orb that was sitting in the middle of the huge round table. It was pictures of all the people of Earth, and they were watching their every move.

"You don't know that." Eddie responded.

"Exactly why you can't tell them. Not yet." Another man said. "When then? I hate lying. It's wrong." Eddie asked. "When we create our new world." He answered.

"What exactly is that, because the old Sibuna said it was dangerous." He wondered. "The new world is called Utopia. It's where everyone and everything is peaceful."

"So, like, world peace?" "Yes."

"Can you tell me everything?" Eddie asked. "Not quite yet." Eddie glanced at his watch.


"I have to go. They have to be by home by now." Eddie almost flashed out, but the men stopped him. "What was that?" He asked. "You have to steal the Forbidden Book from Nina." He explained. "Let me guess: I can't be told why. Not quite yet." He mimicked.

The man shook his head. "Just do it, it's very important to create Utopia. You also need to tell Nina that you're not just the Osirian, but an Eaxier." Eddie nodded, and flashed to a Chinese place.
"It really took you that long to get Chinese food?" Mara asked, as Eddie walked through the door. "It doesn't really help when you have Alfie texting you to get a million things. Remember the egg rolls, Ed! Don't forget the dumplings, Eddie!" Eddie sighed, and set the bags down. "I must've spent half a fortune. On food."

Patricia looked at the logo on the bag. "You went to the Chinese place that takes forever to make the food. Why couldn't you go to a regular Chinese place closer to here?" She questioned. "I want the best for my Yacker." Eddie smiled, and put an arm around his wife.

"I watching you, Krueger."

Eddie shuddered, and asked, "Where'd you put the Forbidden Book, Neens? My sweet, sweet sister?"

"I've been in jail enough times to know when someone wants something. What are you up to, Eddie?" Nina asked. "Can I talk to you?"

"I hate it when people ask me that." Nina moaned, and followed him into the hallway. "What's up?" She asked. "I'm an Eaxier." Eddie whispered.

Nina smile became a frown, and she said, "If you're playing a joke on me, Eddie, it's really not funny."

"I'm not." Eddie replied. "But I need you to keep it a secret, and that's why I asked for the Forbidden Book." Nina frown became a worried look, and she silently groaned.

"More secrets. Yippee." Nina muttered.
I know this might seem like a short chapter, but 644 words are a lot, right?

Will Eddie's secret spread to others?

What is your theory about Utopia?

What do the Eaxiers need the Forbidden Book for?


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