House of Breaking and Entering/House of Arrests

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She slipped into the attic with the two viles in her hand. She opened the secret slot and put the two viles with the crown and the rest. She counted all the viles that were in there, and bit her lip.



She was searching for the other two viles, Amneris's and Set's, to finally get this over with. She was knocking down all the books and tables. When she knocked down one book, she saw the hole. She put 'it' in there, and it opened. The bookshelf slid over, and she saw two viles on the table. She ran over to the table to look at the label, and she smiled.

Amneris's blood.

Set's blood.

She heard someone calling her name, and she closed the compartment and yelled, "Coming!" She quickly ran out the attic, and looked both ways to see if anyone saw her. Nobody did.

"Nina, there you are! We have to break into Jason's apartment." Patricia ran over to Nina, Eddie and Fabian running after her. "Don't you realize your making a mistake! That's breaking the law!" Fabian screamed in Patricia's ear. "I am officially deaf now." Patricia said.

"Why?" Nina asked. "Don't even show her." Eddie ordered, but Patricia ignored him.

Want some answers on Jason and I? There's a journal Jason kept. Look for it. -BTC.

"You are being ridiciously stupid, Patricia!" Mara chimed in on the conversation. "What was that?" Patricia asked. "Think about it. Why would Black Trench Coat send you this, if she doesn't want you caught doing it?"

"And think about my little Logan in there." Fabian added, rubbing Nina's belly. "I think you mean Sarah." Nina corrected. "We don't know if it's a boy or girl." Fabian smiled.

"No time for names of babies! We have a serious problem here!"

"Nina and I are going, and that's that." Patricia finished. She grabbed Nina's wrist, but Eddie grabbed it too. "What did I just-" Eddie cut her off. "If you're actually planning on going to that death trap, then we're going too." Nina sighed, but Patricia agreed. "Sure. Let's go!"
Nina kept picking the lock to Jason's apartment, but it didn't work. "It's not working!" She cried in frustration. "Nina, you're picking wrong. Let me see. You've lost your touch." Eddie commented, while Nina passed him the bobby pin. Eddie picked the lock right, and there was all you needed to see at a crime scene.

The blood was splattered on the floor, a taping of the body was there, the five bullets were there, and the rest were just things in Jason's apartment. Nina spotted the journal on the coffee table. She walked over to itt, and read the first page.

Jan. 1st, 2011-

What kind of man keeps a journal? This is crazy, but I just wanted to keep a record of my life, so, here goes.

-Jason Winkler

Nina flipped to a farther page.

Feb. 14th, 2015-

I hate Valentine's Day. My girlfriend, Ms. Robinson, just broke up with me, and I'm in so much danger. i made a mistake. I made a deal with the devil, and there's nothing I can do about it. She said if I gave the slip of the mouth, she would kill me. Our deal was that she would save me from dying of a horrific disease if I helped stop Sibuna from going to Kek. Our deal was switched up, and they went anyways. Black Trench Coat did't care though. She never does.

-Jason Winkler

When Nina flipped to the end of the book, she gasped and dropped the book. "What is it?" Fabian asked. "T-the journal..." Fabian lifted the book, and read the blood markings.

"Anything on the Jason Winkler case, Cracken?" Detective Cracken's boss, Lieutenant Gregory asked.

"Not yet, sir." Cracken answered. When Gregory was out of sight, Cracken slammed Jason's file on his messy desk and groaned. Then his phone beeped.



Want to know Jason Winkler's murderers? Patricia Williamson and Nina Martin. Here's my proof.

There was an attachment that taped Nina and Patricia getting outside of Jason's apartment. Eddie and Fabian hadn't yet exited the car.

Cracken broke out into smiles, and led out five cops.
"So, Black Trench Coat never wanted us to go find Kek, but we did anyway. Why?" Eddie asked. "We were Black Trench Coat's slaves. We were doing all her dirty work, and didn't even know it." Fabian stated.

"This is why Jason was killed."

"Patricia Williamson and Nina Martin! Come out with your hands behind your backs or we're coming in!"

"Are those cops?" Nina asked. "Yes! Put the journal down and let's go!" Patricia ordered. "The fire escape!" Eddie pointed out. Eddie and Fabian escaped first, planning to help the girls down. But the cops were already at the door.

"Nina Martin and Patricia Williamson. Hands behind your backs, and turn around." They both turned around. "You are being arrested for the murder of Jason Winkler, stealing, and breaking and entering. Turn around."

Nina and Patricia both gulped, as Cracken tightly cuffed their wrists and led them to the cop car.
Black Trench Coat was in it's lair, watching as Nina and Patricia were being arrested. It took it's car and drove to Jason's house once all the police were gone. It took out the blood that it was going to use to frame someone else. It broke the door down, and used a paint brush to smear the blood on the carpet. It then walked out the house, and smiled as she drove back to her lair.

It was winning.
That's it! Those are all the events that led up to what's going on now. Since I'm now going to write about the present and not the past, I have a question.

Will Nina take the plea?


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