House of Remains/House of Missing

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Patricia and Nina called the rest of the group. Eddie and Fabian came dashing in, as well as the rest of Sibuna.

Fabian and Eddie covered their noses. "Oh my god."

The rest of Sibuna were trailing behind.  Nina came into Fabian's arms, covering her eyes, as she did not want to see that. Patricia was hyperventilating, and Eddie hugged her. "Call 999." Joy told Amber.

She dialed the number, and a voice asked, "Liverpool Police Department, what is your emergency?"

"Okay, this is going to sound really strange, but my friends were walking around the summerhouse, and found Jason Winkler's dead body." Amber explained. "Help is on the way."

The voice hung up the phone, and Sibuna stayed there until the police department arrived. Patricia walked away from Eddie, and got in front of Joy and Amber. "Why would you do that?" She asked. "What do you mean?"

"Why would you call the police? When was the last time the police did us a favor?" Patricia said, thinking of Joy and Sergeant Roebuck, and Nina and Officer Cracken.

"So what? Not all policemen are terrible. And we can't just leave him here, Patricia." Joy responded.

Patrcia just simply groaned and slid down the wall. "Hey, what's this?" Jerome asks. He points to an old recorder on top of the statue. "Jerome, it's a recorder." Mara answered.

He puts the player on the 1900s' CD, and it played, 'Man in the Mirror' by Michael Jackson. Patricia lifted her head from her hands, and stood up. 'I'm gonna make a change, for once in my life... it's gonna feel real good, gonna make a difference gonna make it right...'

'As I,' it cut off. Patricia realized that this was the song that played on her phone. "Get off me!" Jason's voice screamed. Sibuna gasped, except for Patricia. 'turn up the collar on,' it cut off again, just like on her phone. Patricia took her phone out, and deleted the Unknown call she got from earlier. "Put the gun down! I won't tell your secret!" It played the song again. 'my favorite winter coat, this wind is blowing my-" Sibuna jumps, because they hear a gunshot, and a woman says, "Next time, I won't miss."

The recorder stopped, and the police came running in the summerhouse. "Where's the body?" A policeman asked. "In the corner." Alfie shuddered at the thought of looking at a dead body again.

The police put their guns down, and said, "There's nothing here."

"What?" Nina gasped. They all walked to where they saw Jason, and gasped.

The body wasn't there anymore, but a bloody hand was.
Ooooooo, they just lied to the police! Not really, but somebody stole the body! It's obvious who took it thought, isn't it?

Was Patricia right? Should they have called the police?

Who took Jason's body?


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