House of Texts/House of Bodies

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"What?!" Patricia screamed. "That can't be true." Joy said. "Sadly, it is." Mara sat down with him. "How did he die?" Nina asked. "They said that he had been decomposing for six months. Nobody had found him yet because he lives in a small apartment building, barely anyone lives there. The mailman had walked up to his door to give him a package, the door was unlocked, walked in, and found the body." Mara explained. "That's terrible."

"Okay, I'm not trying to sound cold and heartless or anything, but after we go to his funeral, can we go back to our lives? And not get involved in this murder?" Eddie asked.

'Yeahs', and 'sures' went around the room. They were still shocked to what happened to Jason. Who would want to hurt a semi-innocent man?

Patricia's phone rang. It said, Unknown.

She picked it up, and Jason's favorite song played.

'I'm gonna make a change. For once in my life. It's gonna feel real good, gonna make a difference. Gonna make it right...'

(Just to let you know, this is not the murder that happened in the epilogue.)

Then, there was one part of the song that shocked Patricia.

'As I,' it cut it off. "Get off me!" Jason's voice screamed. 'turn up the collar on,' it cut off again. "Put the gun down! I won't tell your secret!" He pleaded for somebody to put the gun down. 'my favorite winter coat. This wind is blowing my mind-' There was a gun shot, and a female voice said, "Next time, I won't miss."

She hung up the phone, and her phone beeped.

See how easy it is for me to kill someone? If you don't tell Nina, I'll kill somebody else you care dearly for.

A picture of Patricia holding Mia in the attic was shown on the bottom of the text. "Who was it?" Eddie asked.

"Wrong number." Patricia lied. "Um, Nina, can I speak to you? Outside?"


Patricia grabbed her friend's arm and dragged her all the way to the summerhouse. "Why did you drag me to a summerhouse to talk to me?" Nina asked.

"This is really important. Do you remember Black Trench Coat?" Patricia asked. "Yeah, why?"

Patricia turned her phone back on, and shoved the text in her face. "Mia might get kidnapped because of this mess. I was crazy to think I could take care of a child at this time in my life. I should've waited until we were safe. You can't tell Eddie, or anyone else about this! Please!" Patricia pleaded.

"Okay, okay. Just calm down." Nina said. There was a creak in the summerhouse. "What was that?" Patricia wondered. "Let's go find out."

They slowly walked inside the summerhouse, and saw somebody else's shadow in the distance. They walked up closer, and screamed.

Jason's dead body was right there in their face.
Scared yet? You like where this is going?

Has Sibuna started up again? Or will this just be Patricia and Nina this time?

Will Patricia's lies, or Nina's, cause a rift between their relationships with Sibuna? Or just a big mess?


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