Chapter 3

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"Make sure you tie it twice like this." Ensuring that I would understand, Lance showed the steps slowly.

"Ahh...I see," I nodded in a daze. 'So that's why mine was feebler than the one Lance make. I was supposed to tie another knot this way...'

"You skipped this one, right? and the trap was thinner than it was supposed to be?" Lance smirked as he ruffled my hair.

"I don't even remember it—Pull this, put it in there, tie it this and that way...'' Honestly, remembering knots was one of the many things I loathe. "It's hard and confusing..."

"It's because you haven't got used to it yet. You'll get better, don't worry..." Lance tapped my cheek. "Make sure you remember it right this time and try it again by yourself—I'll correct you if something is wrong." 

I nod playfully in reply.

"So, how does the magic training go? Any progress?" Lance added on.

Ma said this. Better show it than tell it. So, I did just that.

Four arrows whistled through the air and stabbed a defenseless tree that basked in the damp air of the night. They bore holes and burned all the moisture within, painting deep four black holes.

Of course, those arrows were far from being some simple arrows. No, no, those arrows were my much-proud fire arrows. Product of my hard-earned training session for the last month, if you may. 

I could only make about five even after toiling myself every day for the whole month. But, despite their small size, the power they packed couldn't be ignored in the slightest.

"If it's like this, then even a weak trap will do the job, Barbara." Lance approached the tree, examining it in great interest.

"Don't put it that way. You said it yourself, after all. Everything is a weapon, and what use is it to someone when a weapon is dull?" Fearing my ego was about to inflate, I quickly retorted back.

"You're right. It doesn't hurt to have more skills up in your arsenal." Confirmed Lance.

"That's why I'm going to keep learning them. At least till the point where I'm somewhat good at it."

"All right, all right. But don't forget to prioritize your magic. It's always better to train your strong point after all." Reminded Lance cordially. "Just like what you said, everything is a weapon. Your job is to know what your strongest and sharpest weapon is. Always sharpen it before you do any other, you got it?"

"I know," I replied shortly after.

Lance parted away from the tree and walked towards the idle Filtiarn. They played around for an hour or so as I made another set of a trap. While I was racking my brain down to recall a series of complicated knots, Lance, on the other hand, was busy playing with Filtiarn.

He got too absorbed in Filtiarn's soft furs and forgot that he was supposed to check on my progress. So, I brought the finished trap to him instead.

"It's done," I put it on the ground in front of him. "Is it good?"

Lance checked the knots, and he yanked them left and right before giving the verdict. "Yeah, this one is good enough for something small."

"And the big one?" I asked, hopefully.

"Don't even bother." Lance shook his head, seemingly amused. "You have a better chance of waiting for them to sleep and snipe them with your arrows rather than this."

"Well, no matter. I'll learn about other traps in time." I said in a small voice.

"The sun is high already. I better get going," Lance proceeded away to the cave, turning halfway, and shouted, "Can't wait for the dinner tonight!"

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