Chapter 12

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"Mam! Wan!" Called Sarah out excitedly to Bria, who swiftly handled it.

"When Sarah is older, then we will pick Sarah's Mynima together, okay?" Cajoled her to the young lady.

"Toogedder!" The prospect of us going to Moria plaza calmed the dispirited child in a blink of an eye. Sarah turned to me, expecting an affirmation of the spoken promise.

"Yeah," I stroked her head, like how Lance used to do mine. "Together!"

"Barbara, dear." Cut Bria. "I've asked Anthony to put a new closet in your room. When you finish tidying up, come meet me on the roof, and don't forget to bring him along." Hinted Bria at Ouranos with a glance.

Filtiarn and I went to our room afterward. He lay down on his seemingly new favorite spot, the floor in front of the window where the lights of Ilios would puncture through and bask him lovingly.

Meanwhile, I did the homework, sorting out my belongings into the newly put closet. Bria had instructed me beforehand on how to use it, so I was busying myself with it. The theory itself was so simple that I found the one-time explanation was more than enough. 

Basically, like any other artifact that I had come to know, the usage of Revma was the crucial point. Separate in three spinning compartments was the tall closet, and it would open up the minute we gave a sliver of floating fog known as Revma.

The first one was used to hang all the dresses Bria bought and also the undergarments that were folded neatly in a separate drawer in the middle part.

The second one was designed like boxes that were linked to each other. It can be moved anywhere. Up, down, front and backward, you name it—It was astoundingly cool. I put all the accessories, flowery hairpin, hairband, bracelets, handkerchief, and earrings in those boxes. The artifact Roloi, books, and quills also got a separate room.

Finally, the last compartment was used to stuff the miscellaneous things such as old clothes that I had with me when I came here, which Lance bought. The dark-green robe in which I still didn't know its purpose was also hung beside them. And to finish it, a Couple pairs of pretty-looking shoes and home sandals along with my old boots were placed on the compartment floor.

A wisp of Revma flew out when I willed to shut the closet's door.

"Let's see..." I took a step back, casting a curious glance at Filtiarn, and gave a thread of Revma into the closet. "Say, I want to take a bath?"

True to my will, the closet opened up after a second. Colorful dresses greeted me with a smaller drawer popped up on the left part of the closet, presenting the neatly folded undergarments inside it.

"Isn't it cool, Fil?" I turned to Filtiarn, who clearly didn't share the enthusiasm.

Feeling something was off the hook, I cautiously turned. A sharp set of eyes pierced me from the corner of the room, patiently observing me from within the sturdy cage.

"Oh, crap!" Not bothering to fancily parade the use of Revma anymore, I slammed down the closet's door and ran to pick Ouranos's cage up. With Filtiarn in tow, we went to the stairs and climbed to the third floor.

Bria had waited for us in the roofless space.

Amidst the countless colors that rained down on Fysi, Bria played with a Mynima covered in a white mashed, dark-blue-colored feather. The huge head and big round eyes were easily recognizable at first glance.

'A Glafx...' I thought.

"You're here?" Approached Bria. "Meet Thalassa, my Mynima."

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