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Dear Bria,

I am sorry that it took this long for me to finally write back to you. At first, I was considering giving a plethora of excuses for this behavior of mine. Yet, I decided not to in the end because I believed it wouldn't be fair for you, and it wouldn't sit well for me either. I guess what I'm trying to say is, once again, I am sorry—I should've written back to you far sooner.

To be honest, I never knew how hard it was to say what I wanted to say through words like this. I thought it would be much easier than I thought, but the truth proved to be the other way, it seems. I am on the fifth paper already because I kept doing it wrong, and I feel like there are many more that I can't and want to say to you. I hope, in some kind of way, you can at least tell what I'm trying to say. If that's a success, I believe all those efforts to write this letter would have proven to be worthwhile.

I am happy, Bria—right now, as I am writing these to you, I am happy. That much, I know it with all my heart. Many things still scare me, and most of the time, my own feelings usually get the better of me. But through it all, there are many things I have now that help me to be strong, and to that, I will always be full with nothing but gratitude from the bottom of my heart.

I always thought that to be strong, I have to be like Lance—my savior. But now I realize that wanting to be stronger doesn't necessarily mean I need to shut myself away from the world...I hated how Macie and Lance left us behind like that, and now I was about to do the same to everyone else here—I should've known better. Me, of all people that shouldn't have done that, because I knew just how bad it could wreck somebody.

I've met many people who taught and amazed me in a lot of ways here, Bria. I wasn't sure at first, but now I can confidently say that I am glad Filtiarn and I came to Fysi.

By the way, now I know how distracting and hard it is to write to someone. I guess we're the same on these parts, huh? Anyway...Bria, we've been eating well here. The dorm's food is so amazing I found myself anticipating what kind of warm surprise awaited us every morning, afternoon, and evening. The instructors are friendly too. Some are a bit scary, and some are weird, but we've been learning tons from them. Each day has never been dull and empty. It really feels like we are on an endless adventure here.

Every two days, I took out Ouranos with us to play. He's getting visibly bigger by the days too. I reckon you'll be surprised when he brings you this letter...I think his days of perching on my shoulder are numbered, and it won't be for too long.

Oh, I almost forget again to write this—Filtiarn can speak to me now. He could only say 'Bara' to me at the time, but it was so cute and adorable. I kinda want him to never stop calling me...I can't wait to go back and see the look on little Sarah's face when she sees how big Filtiarn can turn.

Speaking of which, how are Sir Harrison and Sarah been? I can only say it here in this letter and not in person—because it's embarrassing—but I want you to know that not only for my Pa and Ma up in heaven, or both Lance and Macie...I often think about you all...

I know you are worried about us having no friends, and maybe some students are giving us a hard time; but you don't have to worry about that, Bria. All those brats can't hold a candle against the two of us. Sure, there's this annoying boy called Raymond that always pestered us whenever he could, but it's not to the point of bullying. How can I say it—More like a pesky flea, maybe? And I already floored him badly...Come to think of it, I kinda feel sorry for him...

Putting him aside, I want to say that I have people I can proudly call my friends. They're the ones on the artifact I attached with this letter, so you can't miss it. I'll tell you who's who starting from the left, though I guess you already knew most of them already.

The first one is Lia, whose name rhymes with yours. She always cries at the drop of a hat and looks the fluffiest one out of us. But beneath that bubbly exterior, she is more courageous and kinder than anybody else. Then there's Freya, who likes to gossip and fool around, but at the same time, a trustworthy friend, albeit she can be quite crazy at times.

Beside her is the rowdiest one in the group, Anya. According to a reliable source, I came close behind her as the most tomboy girl ever—Which I was more than happy not to contest, by the way. Although she seemed silly and liked to think on her feet oftentimes, she is, without any doubt, the group's drive.

And lastly, the stoic face and surprisingly easy-to-be-embarrassed Rebecca. The most reliable, and also sort of like an older sister. To be frank, she is the undisputed leader of our group even though she always denies us. It was shocking when I remembered the first time meeting Hilda—and then when I met Rebecca. They looked almost the same, but they couldn't be more different than each other. It's baffling and hilarious at the same time, but don't tell Becca I said this, Bria. She can be very scary...it's no joke, believe me...

So, there go my friends. They're all so weird and funny that it's always fun to be around them...Oh yeah, Freya turns out to be the person who can sell stuff here in Fysi. She adamantly refused to call it smuggling despite slipping it out of her tongue in an accident once, but because I didn't want to hear her long and annoying speech, I just let her be. She calls it The Store, by the way. Quoting her, the simplest sticks the best...she's my friend, sure; but the girl has a loose screw on her head...

...Bria, I want to ask you something before I forget. This break, when I come home, can Lia come with me? She has her own situation, so she will stay in the academy during the break. That's why I want to bring her back to meet you, Sir Harrison and little Sarah too.

One last thing before I finish this letter...thanks for being there for me, Bria. I never said this out in the open, but I can feel each and every precious thing you gave us, and they meant so much. Warm food to fill our belly, a safe roof to keep us safe, and most of all, bright laughter and love to mend the wounds in my heart.

When Pa and Ma left, I thought Macie and Lance would like the only family to me. But now, despite the short time we've been given, you've turned out to be important to both Filtiarn and me.

Anyway, that's it, I guess—hoping I don't actually forget about something...

Don't worry too much about me, Bria...

Right now, I am happy.

Sincerely, Barbara Travis.

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