Chapter 17

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I didn't have a heck of a clue as to what it was, yet when the other students began moving, it became clear in a heartbeat.

Basically, they were doing ritual movements I knew as Deisi. Only it was done with more emphasis, or more careful if I may. It was almost as if they were studying the meaning behind and between every gesture inside the long prayer itself.

"Divilizo means to refine. The prayer of Deisi will help us attune better and better to the world around us. In a way—we, as the medium, will become purer the more attuned we are to the rest of the world." Never in my wildest dream would I ever think that Mister Ulyses was capable of speaking that normally. Honestly, it threw me off guard.

"Now, let's see your game." Gestured him with his chin.

'What game?' I seriously didn't know what he meant and retorted back with a dubious look. "I'm sorry?"

"Let's see your magic, lass. Use or do whatever; I need to know how far or good you are, so I'll act accordingly. So quit gawking and git!" He grumbled impatiently, waving his hand to urge me faster.

Feeling a bit relieved from the simple request, I answered him in the form of flame arrows floating and circling around me. 'If it's just that, then no sweat.' I thought.

"Is that all?" He arched an eyebrow up. "Nothing else?"

The way he asked was getting on my nerves a bit, so I decided to put in a bit more effort. Compressed flame arrow, wall of fire, double-layered flame shield, down to the sudden and inconspicuous flame pillar. Everything I take pride in, I showed it to him. Expecting him to take that look back and stop underestimating me.

"Hoo," He bobbed his head up and down. "As expected..."

'Hehe!' I gloated at his expression.

"You're far worse than I've imagined you'd be." His blunt words soon came raining down unexpectedly. "Don't try to run when you don't even know how to crawl, you deaf fetus."

'I'm not even a baby...' More than hurtful, I was baffled to find myself being called a fetus.

"Unlike how beasts can eat their food raw, we humans often needed ours to be cooked. Why? Because our bodies were built differently than they were. Now imagine a child eating raw meat. They can force it at first—sure—but sooner or later, their body will begin to reject it. Those with poor luck can even die, lass."

His words sounded plausible and rang true to my logic, but what I didn't get was the reason why he suddenly talked about meat.

"Right now, you are doing exactly just that thing..." He smirked condescendingly at my confused face. "You are eating the meat—or shall we call it Revma—raw."

Unable to link the dots, I just stare at him in silence. 'Eating the Revma raw? What?'

"Haha, look at you." He openly scoffed and laughed at me. "You had the face of What does this old bastard know about magic anyway. Since you know Him personally, you must think I'm some ignorant idiot who fancies yapping his gums around, aren't you?"

Clearly, he exaggerated way too much, but since he had hit a point anyway, I didn't bother to keep mum and started the debate with him. Maybe I was too eager to exercise my sharp tongue because of how he got into my head...maybe...

"I was told that to use magic, we have to borrow the Revma outside our body into the heart and then guide them to where we wish it to be. Like a big ocean or lake that later turns into rivers." Students were peeking here and there when they noticed the strange air around us, but I paid them no mind.

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