Chapter 10

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"Witch! Hang her!!", "Cursed!", "I've known it for so long. Look at those eyes! Those're demons'!!", "What are we waiting for!? Kill her!!"

A Chorus of enraged shouts and cries filled the once peaceful village. Lights of warm and exciting luster were replaced by fear and unknown pressure within the complexions of the villagers.

Robellia Green, one of the eldest and highest in authority, stood and brooded silently amidst the riled crowds. She shuddered in disbelief, whether the words were truly spoken out of the lips of people she had regarded as her own sons and daughters or simply the old age that had failed her.

"Doctor, you spend the most time with her other than her own kin. Speak your mind." The woman couldn't find it in her heart to condemn the broken girl she had treated like her own granddaughter, hoping that somehow there would be a way out of the ongoing hell.

"More than that, Robellia. We need to treat her right now. Look at her arm! It might be too late if we wait—" Reasoned Levin but soon found that his attempt was to no avail.

"What do you mean by treated!? You didn't hear the howl of the demon last night. She shares none of our blood! She is of a demon's, believe I tell you! Cursed is she!!" Incited by the tenderness Levin gave out, one of the villagers shouted in anger. "Giving her clothes and some food will be the last line, old doctor. Don't you dare open the cage!"

"Hear-hear!" Lots of them joined in.

"What're you gonna do if I want to treat her!? Hang me!? Kill me and call me names!?" Levin felt his blood rush into the pore on his temples, flaring with so much rage that made his old bones tremble due to the pressure.

"Cursed!? Demon!!?" Screeched Levin hard, barraging the villagers whilst standing up to his own ground. "Look at her, you babbling fools!! What kind of demon looks that helpless!? And are you lots feeding a damn Choiros or what, you call that food!? Maybe I should choke that garbage down on your ungrateful pipes so we can check whether it is truly food or not; how bout that, huh!? And don't make me start on those scrap rags you call clothes, you damned sorry bastards!!"

"What food do you think she prefers then!?" Sneered a woman. Madness was painted clear on her face. "Maybe the demon child would prefer your old meat, doctor. Just like how she devoured her parents whole!"

"Shut up!! I am the village head, and I say we don't execute people until all the facts are brought before us." Barked Robellia. "And that means keeping her alive until then!"

"Disgusting..." Said Levin at the villagers with a pained look, as if he was about to cry before he turned and crouched near the cage where the muted girl lay unmoved. "Barbara, it's me, grandpa Levin...Can you tell me what happened? Did bandits—did bad guys come to your house? What happened, child?"

Words had turned into the passing waft by the girl's ears. Her eyes were out of focus, lacking the usual playfulness she often exhibited. No more of the adorable, mischievous smile...Not even a shadow of it.

The tears mark that had dried out on her sunken face was the only proof of what had transpired. A bloody tragedy that a twelve-year-old girl should not ever go through.

"Barbara, child. Speak to us. Can you tell what happened last night?" Levin tried again, his voice cracked sadly, almost crying as he saw the girl in front of him. "Barbara..."

"Enough!! Until when will you put the village in danger!? I've seen them Travis' fate, people! She burned even her parents to death! Nothing was left behind—Not even a corpse!!" The dimmed-blonde man hollered out; bloodshot were his eyes. "If she is to be left alone, we'll be next! She'll curse and char us alive into the dirt!!"

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