Chapter 27

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Sceneries came and passed by as we ran past through them without bothering ourselves to enjoy the marvel nature had offered. Everything had turned somehow too fast as I ran. The once tranquil heart had gradually started beating rushed and hard—Not because of the fatigue that slowly but surely piled up, but because of the raw-engaging suspicion of us being chased by someone.

"Hey! Are you sure about this? I mean, it can also be a student like us, don't you think?" Cody spoke out his concern.

"You can go check it then, by all means. I never forced you guys to follow me—you did it on your own." I replied simply.

"That's because you started running all of a sudden when we're still talking." Ranted Cody from behind.

"Cody," Dissuaded Ted. "Chill out, man. I'll tell Hera to check them; if it turns out to be false, then we can go to that farm or whatever. But for now, let's just keep running first."

Ted's words piqued my interest, so I slowed down the pace and asked him. "You'll have your Hera check them?"

Ted seemed slightly surprised by my sudden intrusion yet explained all the same thereafter. "I'm quite confident in handling Mynima more than the other students...I'm saying I can make out the numbers and confirm whether they are an assistant or not."

"You can do such a thing?" Honestly, I was a bit doubtful when he said that.

"What's with that look? I'm not lying. Tell her, Cody!" Ted caught on to the meaning behind my reaction and berated out in reply. Cody gave two quick nods as if he was already rehearsed that kind of situation before.

"I'm not saying—Well, no matter..." I changed the topic before we delve further into unnecessary arguments. "So, how can your Hera differentiate between students and the assistants?"

"With this." Ted slapped Cody's chest crisply. Cody coughed at the sudden impact yet managed to refrain from lashing out.

"Ah! That's right. The robe!" Ted snapped his finger at my realization.

"But we'll have to stop for a minute or two. I need to concentrate on figuring out what Hera is telling me, and I can't do it while we run like this." Ted added on.

Triggered by his request, my mind spun as we ran—weighing between the risks and possible scenarios.

"Cody, you go on first with Ferrisa." I pointed at the elegant-looking white wolf that was running slightly in front of us. "Ted and I will catch up with you later after we're done. Fil, tell Risa to protect Cody."

"Where do I wait for you guys?" Asked Cody.

I looked him straight in the eyes and said, "Just keep running. We can and will find you—don't be scared."

"I'm not! besides, it's not about that." Cody took a deep breath to cool down, then shifted his vision towards his friend, Ted. "You cool with this, Ted? I do think her explanation makes some sense...but what if she's wrong. What if we're all wrong?"

"If she is...then I guess we'll be skipping those extra Foros." Smirked Ted proudly.

"Urgh, to hell! Let's do this then, damn it!" Grumbling as he may, Cody still went on with the plan as he took off with Ferrisa by his side.

We stopped and gave Ted the breathing room he needed. After he composed himself and parched his dried throat, Ted whistled sharp and long into the distance. We stood in silence, waiting for his Mynima—Hera—to come. Not a minute later, a small silhouette appeared from beyond the horizon's shadow.

"Do what you must. We'll guard you, so take your time." I gave Ted the signal as both Filtiarn and I stood guard beside him. 'Well, here goes nothing...'

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