Chapter 15

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'Book and Quill...Wait, I don't have those books, Fil.' The day started as I kept a tab on things I should bring while sneaking a peek at what the girls brought to class. 

Breakfast was more or less quiet and uncomfortable. The uncomfortable part was when the other students whispered and cast furtive glances at us—I doubt it was something good as far as their gestures and looks go, though.

Hence, it only prompted me to finish our stifling breakfast soon.

We have been living in the wild for a while. I ate faster than the other kids—Not to mention Filtiarn. And so, Rebecca told me to wait for her, considering she was tasked to show us around the academy. She clearly found the task cumbersome, but being honest to a fault, she still did it regardless of her feelings. For that, I kinda admired her.

"Do you even chew your food? Who eats that fast—Hah...Forget it." Rebecca shook her head as she led us towards Sikoma. "Today is the third day, so the class begins with the history and then ends with Magic Combat. I'll show you the rest of the academy after the first class."

"Okay. I appreciate it." I gave my thanks and towed closely behind her.

Numerous branches descended to pick the many students who had lined and gathered in the roofless chambers.

"Um..." I scratched my cheek in embarrassment. "Where are we going? What do I say to Sikoma?"

"..." Rebecca's neck tilted, queerly staring back. "We're going to the General hall...?"

I was about to ask what was wrong when I saw Filtiarn hugged by the branch. Thus, I wasted no time entertaining a useless banter. "General Hall, General Hall, General Hall, General Hall, General Hall, General Hall."


A laugh crisply broke in reward. 'Why is he—Wait a min, he's that Clint boy or something from yesterday. Ugh, what a weird kid...'

Much unlike the aesthetic air that surrounded Hilda's office, we were dropped in front of a large wooden tunnel—bleak and dreary. If not for Rebecca, who came seconds later, I would think she screwed us up by giving the wrong name.

We entered and followed the dimly lit space before a majestic sight greeted us at the end of the tunnel. In front of us stood a giant castle born of wood and encased in a layer of glittering gems. It was literally a wood castle wearing gem armor; it blew my mind at how grand and flashy the building looked.

Finding us openly gawking, Rebecca ignored it and walked towards the castle. Behind us came the scoffing of the noisy bunch, but I paid them no heed and followed after Rebecca. After some lengthened walking session in the refreshing morning, we finally arrived at a door built for giants or something. Though, I only found the explanation for why it was so freaking big when we entered the room.

It felt like songs of legends were sung the moment I laid eyes upon the interior. Tales of the archaic were depicted in the murals that encompassed the gigantic space of the room itself. The floor, wall, ceilings, and even the scattered desk and tables all across the room were painted and detailed all too gorgeously.

"This is the class for history. You can wait here or do whatever till the instructor arrives. Just keep track of the time." Rebecca said and then went away, not even bothered whether the reply came or not.

"Uh-uh..." Although, I was too captivated by the ancient-like room itself to fully register what she said. "I'll keep that in mind."

There were images of children running. A mighty beast I've never seen before leveling a whole mountain. Wars and battles between druids and creators. All kinds of images drew in a sickening detail that felt like the mural itself was alive and breathing, retelling its stories beyond the boundaries of the cold paint.

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