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Shuffling through old photographs of her parents and her childhood, y/n stark felt a train of emotion running through her mind.

A soft knock on the door pulled her out from reminiscing old memories.

"Doctor Stark come for dinner immediately, you know we eat dinner together always" Tony said while walking up to her.

y/n stark was well known in the field of psychology and psychiatry, she was among the handful of people who had double PhD's - one in chronic PTSD another in psychoanalysis of human consciousness.

And she was also the little sister of Tony stark and anybody who knew them, knew how much they love each other.

If anyone screamed sibling goals it was them.

But the strength of their bond and love for each other rooted when their parents bid them farewell in a car crash.

They both were young at that age but then also Tony knew he had to become a mother and a father to his sister and he played the role well.

"Let's go Iron man, there are 10 different species of rodents in my stomach hungry for food" Y/n said standing up within the pile of photographs.

"There comes the Stark's, gosh we are hungry people" Steve and Banner said in unison.

Although y/n missed her parents everyday but growing up with the Avengers made it less painful, they were the family she thought she will never have.

Everyone in the group was affectionate towards her, caring and loving.

They all were there when she was choosing her prom dress
and when Tony taught her to drive a car, they all were there for her throughout her life.

But the thing that made y/n special was she was a ray of sunshine, she could literally light up any room from her jokes and that smile of hers.

After the dinner, Tony invited her for a walk in the garden as if he knew that something was troubling his sister.

"Y/n, What is up dear you didn't eat too much, is everything all right?" he asked her sounding concerned.

She looked at her brother with those gorgeous hazel green eyes with a saddened expression and replied,
" Sometimes I want to be like the girls who have their mums to run to when they have boy problems and dad's to fix there engine problems in there car Tony."

"You will always have me mimi, to fix your boy problems and I will make sure that you have a car who doesn't have engine problems" Tony replied planting a kiss at her forehead lightning her mood.

But he knew that no matter how much they both try to suppress the void of not having their parents, it will always be there, painfully scratching them from inside.

Bucky Barnes X Y/N starkWhere stories live. Discover now