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Y/n pov

We all were sitting in the living room chilling and catching up... hopefully there weren't missions for all of them.

Tony and pepper walked hand in hand with bright smiles on their faces and i smelt happiness brewing.
"Guys!!!! The wedding is day after tomorrow....so we all need to team up and pull up a stark wedding" pepper said while sinking in the chair near me.

"Okay i guess we will divide and then work" i said while my organizing side coming into dominance.

" Me, James,Steve and Clint will take care of decorations...
Natasha,banner,thor and sam will take care of food and drinks...
Wanda,vision,Peter and rhodey will take care of invitation and guest.." sounds good to me????

For the rest of the day all of us threw ourselves in the preparation of my dear brothers wedding.

While i was wrapping flowers on the chairs for the guest, i felt a warm hand over my shoulders massaging me and my stiffened muscles started to calm down.

"You need to calm down doll... Everything will be perfect just calm down..." His sweet voice was already so calming.

I turned around and wrapped my arms around his torso and he kissed my forehead.
My hairs were all messy due to sweat and the heat.
He took a strand of my hair and tucked it behind my ear.

"How can you be so adorable and sexy at the same time barnes!" I said sheepishly.

"That's what you develop, when one has a gorgeous girlfriend like you doll!!" He replied.

" Stop it you too!! All this romance is making me sick...plus save it for your wedding" sam taunted us while shuffling the cards.

We all were dead tired after the hectic day and decided to wake up early to get to the preparation again.
I was looking at my to-do list when it was getting hard for me to keep my eyes open and i dozed off on the sofa.
I was curled up cause it was a bit cold in the night.

I wasn't in deep sleep when i felt someone picking me up and i realised it was none other than my man the live of my love...i wrapped my arms around his neck and planted a kiss on his cheeks.

He kept me on his bed and switched off the lights and then cuddled close to me covering us with blankets.
I kept my head on his chest while he drew circles with his right hand on my arm and it felt peaceful.

" Will we get married James...???" I asked him and he became tensed and i could tell that by his posture.
"We will doll when you will be ready and i hydra will be 120 percent out of my mind because i dont want to hurt you at all " he replied which made me laugh.

I know Bucky is the only man i will marry not because i love him but he is one the most caring,kind  and generous person I've ever met and my life is incomplete without him.

Bucky Barnes X Y/N starkWhere stories live. Discover now