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y/n pov 

I was in tears when i read Bucky's diary. Never in my life i expected someone to love me so deeply and i dint have a clue about his feelings.

When i realized our diaries have been exchanged i couldn't stop myself from reading it and read everything in it.
Most of the entries were about me and his feelings and some were his nightmares.

When i woke up,still in happy tears and walked towards the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee.
Natasha, pepper and Wanda were already finishing up their breakfast.

"Hey,mimi why is that smile on your face???" Pepper looked up and asked.

Nat and Wanda looked excited and waited for my answer.

"Umm, girls i need to tell you something and it's kinda kinda the reason my cheeks are hurting from smiling from last night" i sat on a stool near them.

Then i went on explaining everything i read on Bucky's diary minus the nightmare part.
And literally this morning was one of the most happiest one.

Pepper were on the verge of tears because she knew how lonely and sad i get sometimes about my love life.

" So you read my diary doc!??" I heard someone saying from behind my back.

I froze from the voice i just heard i knew it was of Bucky but i felt nervousness engulfing me and i was blushing like an idiot...my cheeks were tomatoe red and isn't help but fiddle with my fingers.

" Hmm...i did and you don't tell that you din't read mine mr. Barnes." I turned with a big smile on my face.

"I really do love you y/n, i know that you know but it feels so good saying that face to face...i thought i will never have guts to say that but i think exchanging of our diaries lead to this and i am more than grateful for it.

You are one of the most amazing, kind-hearted person I've met.
Just being there in my life you have made me realise my real worth that i can be more than a weapon or an assassin.

Every day i saw you i fell more in love with you and there is no turning back from now.
I promise i will always keep you happy but i may be stupid sometimes so please forgive me in advance cause i love you doll more than anything.

I can rant about my feelings all day and never get bored of it.
I love you y/n stark with all my heart and -"

He was sobbing while saying the most blissful things when he got cutt off with a hug from obviously me.
I was crying the whole time when he was talking and i leapt and literally jumped on him taking him in my arms with a big hug.

He held me in my arms gently and swooped me off the floor rotating me in the air.

Then i heard clapping all around and opened my eyes.

Tony, sam ,Steve and everyone was standing around us with big smiles.

"About damn time metal arm, you both confessed your feelings finally" tony said.

"So would you like to go on a date with me doll???" Buck asked while holding me.

"How can i deny when you are asking i will be ready in 1 hour...
Meet me in the garden.." i replied.

I walked towards my room jumping in the air and laughing.
I cannot beleive that all this is real and is really happening.
And i won't let anyone ruin this.

I am not gonna let anyone take this away from me.
James is mine now and there is no chance i am letting anyone come between us.

Little did i know....
Little did i knew....

Bucky Barnes X Y/N starkWhere stories live. Discover now