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Bucky pov

I've been in the stark tower for 5 months and i am feeling better and i think my mind would be free from hydra soon.

The highlight of my everyday is my time with y/n, the way she talks, her gentle touch on my bare skin.

Being around her is itself a treatment. She has helped a lot through my nightmares, my aggresive and violet episodic behaviour.

Ive not told anyone about how much i adore and admire her not even Steve. I am scared of loosing her.
Been taken by hydra again was my worst fear but when i think of not seeing her again aches my heart.

I don't know what it is between us she cares for me, looks after me and she is always there for me.
I don't know if i will ever be able to tell her all this.


After completing my journal i walked up to Steve's room to tell everything i felt because i cant take it anymore i have to tell someone.
I knocked on his door and he welcomed me with a graceful smile.
Tony was there too and i hesitated a bit before telling Steve.

" Uh uh Steve i need to tell you something" i said to Steve looking him in the eye.

" What's up buck, everything alright???" Steve asked keeping his hand in my shoulder.

"Yeah tin man what bugging you" tony said participating in the conversation.

" It's about y/n, i mean i - i kinda i dont know i mean for a long time " i fumbled with my words with nervousness.

" James, if you're talking about having feelings for mimi so lemme give you a bummer we all know that... You are not good at hiding your emotions... That's obvious to everyone" tony said while laughing.

" Yeah buck,stark is right" Steve said.

"Wh-what... does y/n knows  too, oh my god" i said while holding my head in my hands.

" Maybe you should tell her but make it special tin man it's my sister we are talking about" tony suggested.

"Tony, i thought you will throw me out of the stark tower when you will know all bout this" i asked tony.

" When i look at you i see seargent Barnes of the howling commandos not the winter Soldier of hydra" he hugged me then.

" So will you guys help me out in all this stuff" i urged them.

"We will make it memorable " they said in unison.

While walking back to my room i stoped infront of y/n's room and knocked.

"Yeah come in " i opened the door and walked in.

"Hey Bucky what's up"she was sitting on her bed reading a book.

"Nothing, i was just bored"
"Wanna watch a movie" she asked getting up.

"Yeah sure which one but??"

"Ummm let's watch bad boys, it's a nice action drama movie you will love it" she said excitedly.

The movie was very nice but in halfway y/n slept on my metal arm, i dint felt anything but i thought she wouldn't feel comfortable on the metal arm so i decided to switch my arm with the pillow without waking her up.

" James, stay please..... " she said half in sleep.

I was taken a back by her statement and kept her near my chest where she drifted off in deep sleep. I covered both of us with a blanket nearby and then she scooped closer to me and wrapped her arms around me.

I loved it how she dint care about my metal arm and felt comfortable and snugly around me.

" If you are feeling sleepy barnes you can go to your room" she said while getting up a little.

" I haven't been this comfortable for a very long time please let's keep it this way y/n you make me feel peace and calm, your voice is like home to me.
I don't know what it is but"

Halfway through my confession i realised she is sleeping.
I smiled and stroked her head tugging her hairs behind her ears.

No matter how uncomfortable the position was but i loved it and i wanted this night to never end.
I want her to be with me like my shadow.
Untill i met her i dint realise what love was.

It was the sunshine seeping through the curtains which woke me up and i saw y/n sleeping in my lap like a baby.
I dint want to wake her up but i have to go before anybody else sees us and this becomes awkward.
I took her in my arms and kept her on the bed covering her with blankets and kissed her forehead and i saw a small smile on her face.
As i turned to leave she held me from my wrist.

"I wish the night never ended James" and then she turned to the other side drifting off to sleep.

"I will make you the happiest girl in the world y/n just wait for a while" . I mumbled under my breath and left the room.

Bucky Barnes X Y/N starkWhere stories live. Discover now