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I started attending to my clients now and it feels so good to be back at my office.
My receptionist told me that i have only 15 patients today which means i will be free by the afternoon and i could use the time to spend it with Bucky.

My last client was Mr.shelbert jones....I've heard this name before but can't recall it.
I was just streching my arms when i heard a knock on my cabin " please,come in" i replied.

Then walked a middle aged man with a papercut hat with a black trench coat and sunglasses.
His overall attire dint match the weather.
It was so damn hot outside and he was claded in winter clothes.

"Thankyou so much miss. Stark for seeing me" he said in a wierd tone.

" It's my job to help people..so what's your problem??" I asked being polite.

As soon as i turned my back on him to grab my notepad, i sensed some motion.
I turned back only to notice that he had a gun pointed on me and i was shocked on how to react and save myself.

" Ha ha stark finally i am gonna get my revenge!!!!!
Your stupid brother thought that he could get away from all he did...he thinks that leaving his past behind will solve all his problems!!!! But how wrong was he..
Hmmm don't try to call anybody or you're dead at this point"

" What are you talking about i dont even know you... And Tony what he did was under wrong influence i know my brother damn well he can't do anything wrong" i replied confidently.

I had a baseball bat kept near my table i was just trying to stall him and when he looked on the other side i picked up the bat with all my grip and swinged it towards his head.
It took him time to register the sudden action when my bat hit him in the side of his head his gun got knocked off from his hand and he struggled to stand.

Taking my chance i leapt the distance between me and the door and hurried towards the door as soon as i was going to open the door he grabbed my ankle and i fell in the ground with my chin hitting the floor.
I tasted my own blood in my mouth and tried to turn over.

I was unable to get up but was trying when he got the gun and pointed it towards me while standing and i was between his legs on the floor.

" You know what tony would do if something happens to me whatever the fuck is your name!!!!" I shouted.

" I don't care!!!" With that i felt the bullet hitting me near my abdominal region and the blood started rushing out from the wound.
He ran outside the door but i was sure the sound of the bullet firing won't go unnoticed and someone will come to rescue me.

I was trying to stay concious and i  put my hand on the wound to stop the loss of blood but i was getting weak as the time was passing by.

The door to my office opened and with the blurred vision i noticed Bucky with tony and sam coming towards me.

I was releived that they would save me and then everything went black.

Bucky Barnes X Y/N starkWhere stories live. Discover now