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Bucky pov

Me, tony and Steve were in Siberia for a mission and this time it was hydra related.
Y/n and the whole team was unsure about this but i can't run away like this.
I had to face my fears and overcome them.

We were in a dark, sketchy basement it was dim lighted with only source of light was a ceiling bulb dangling with the help of a wire.

Metal scraps were everywhere and there were huge containers with glass doors.

We were slowly going deeper in the basement when we heard some slow and steady footsteps approaching us.
We were alerted by the presence of an unknown person.
We were unsure about from where the sound came.

Freight cars....

I heard someone in the far corner wispering my trigger words but i was proud of my self that this time i dint turn into an assassin.

Tony and Steve were behind me.
"You okay buck??" Tapping my shoulders Steve inquired.

" I am no longer the winter soldier, these words are not going to turn me into hydras weapon anymore!!!!" with a confident voice i slowly approached the dark figure.

"Alas, stark....fixed you James." The dark figure appeared from the corner wearing a long trench coat with black boots with a red diary in his hands.

" You're zemo...you killed king T'chaka...!!!" tony said while rising a blaster in his direction.

" Mr. Stark at last if you're planning to kill me... I may suggest first to have a look at this video and then you can decide who you want to kill!!.
Shall we?" Zemo walked towards an what looked like an old computer.

I was unsure to trust the person who framed me for something i never did.

When he clicked to open the video i saw a sedan driving through a road in the night.
A couple was sitting in side it then all of a sudden a man comes on a motorcycle with his face covered with mask and goggles with long hair.

He punctured the car with his pistol which disbalanced the car making it hit the large tree trunk ahead of it.

The soldier walked towards the injured couple and killed the man with pistol after he said " seargent Barnes".
He than choked the lady with his bare hands while she was fighting for her life.

I was shocked and terrified that the soldier was me i dint realize all this untill Howard stark said my name.
I tear fell down from my moist eyes and i dropped the gun where i was standing.

Tony stood there emotionless. He has just witnessed his parents death.
I can't even imagine what he must be feeling.
He gave me a stern look before he launched the blaster with his hands on me making me throw couple of feet back.

The sudden shock in my ribs hurted for a while and my head was spinning when tony picked me up with my collar and said" DO.NOT.TELL.Y/n.ABOUT.THIS"

I was not able to process what he just said i thought he is going to kill me when he saw this video.

" Stark, u-u not going to kill me??" I asked.

He took time in replying.

"When stark industries made weapons i dint knew they were used by terrorists....
But as soon as i came to know i stopped developing them.

You were wiped off your any memory, you were tortured like hell and used as hydras weapon.
You dint even knew yourself.
When you fought Steve you dint knew him he was just a mission to you.
You were not in your sense when you kill-ll-ed my parents cause it was the winter Soldier not Bucky barnes.

Plus y/n loves you and by any chance she came to know that the winter Soldier killed our parents she will never see your face again.
And i want her to be happy and nothing else"

Saying this he walked outside towards the Quinn jet.
Steve waited for me and then after processing what happened we walked outside too.

When we were flying towards home i can't stop but think about how i am going to face y/n she will hate me and never want to see my face again which seems like death to me.

Tony was mad at me but he understood the situation and i cant be more thankful to him.

But we don't always get what we want ...
Do we????

Bucky Barnes X Y/N starkWhere stories live. Discover now