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Y/n pov

Sam and I have been friends since college while I was pursuing my PhD he went on enrolling himself in the army as a special commando pararescue man.

He fell into depression and acute anxiety when his wingman Riley died a heroic death during one of their combat mission's and I did all I could to help him and after that he became an Avenger after meeting Steve.

"Hey y/n, you know if it weren't of you i will still be in my home depressed and nervous, thankyou so much.
You helped me out of the pit and the guilt,  you really are an amazing friend and doctor" Sam thanked with a grin on his face.

" You have thanked me enough Wilson, get over it. What else are friends for "I hugged him.

Today was a sunny day so we were chit chatting in the living room discussing about what's new is going on around tower but...

After a  few minutes...

Our aimless conversation was directed towards the hurried voices coming from down the corridor and we went towards the elevator to check what's going on.

From far away we saw Nat and Steve and they were looking tired and tensed.

As we moved towards them, Tony appeared in the hallway brushing his fingers through his black hair.

" Y/n, get back to the living room, for now it is not safe, Wilson come on we have a task to finish and a man to interrogate" Tony then left with Sam.

I know living among the avengers isn't very safe but Tony never forced anything on me, he taught me basic combat skills and how to use his techy stuff to defend myself if something arises but he keeps me at bay when something is really dangerous and the situation looks pretty intense.

I remember when tony was kidnapped and came back with a metal heart, I passed out seeing my brother in such worse condition but he is brave and genius not to mention he kept his promise to be with me and is pretty jacked up now.

"Tony, I found him.... I found my best friend...thi-is Bucky " I saw Steve crying, hugging tony.

I thought " Bucky..bucky, I've heard this name before but i can't put a finger on it" I walked towards my room thinking about the man.

"That is cap's best friend, yes James Bucky Barnes.... I guess. I've heard lot of stories about their bromance or brother like friendship" i talked to myself while studying a case.

Steve always talked about him with so much love and respect but there was a certain expression on his face which I couldn't understand, was something bothering him?

I decided to take a nap ,cause i know none of this is my business.

How wrong was i.......

Bucky Barnes X Y/N starkWhere stories live. Discover now