Chapter -30

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Gently plucking the dandelions from my gardens i tried my best making a ring out of them by twisting there stems with each other.

After watching a "How to " YouTube video of making flower ring I made an efficient one.

"What are you doing doll?" Sliding his phone in his back pocket he made his way to me.

I sat on one knee with the flower ring in one hand.
Bucky threw me a confused look. Taking a deep breath i took his hand in mine.

" James Buchanan came in my life 2 years back and since then my life has been nothing but wonderful! You always make me feel safe and loved. You shower me with your kindness and Love it's true we both had a fair share of rough patches in this relationship but it only made us stronger together...there is no one else i would like to spend the rest of my life with and you my man i cant even stop on how much i love you....
So will you share your rest of your life with me james????
Will you marry me and make me yours forever"

I never imagined proposing a guy but nothing felt more right and fulfilling than this moment.

"I would love to make you Mrs.barnes and yes i will marry you and make you mine cause there is no one i would like to spend the rest of my life with doll...i love you with every fibre of my body"

He replied when i made him wore the flower ring which made both of us laugh.

" Just so you know i was supposed to ask that question and propose you but you are always one step ahead of me" he said while taking me in his arms which felt like home.

"It doesn't matter because you said yes" i laughed.

With that i got the gift of life... love of my life.
Love comes in a strange way in the most unexpected way but you need to read the sign and accept it.

I was damn lucky to find him and fall in love with him.
We are perfect together and our love for each other is enough to keep us happy for the rest of our lives.
I would finally be Mrs.barnes!!! How beautiful that sounds..

Finding true love is a real tresure and me and Bucky were lucky..

Bucky Barnes X Y/N starkWhere stories live. Discover now