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The avengers had to leave for a mission which was to destroy some hydra bases in germany.

Y/n, Bucky and happy were there in the tower.

"Y/n, you're gonna be okay right?? Happy will be staying in the tower till we come back ...please take care mimi" tony hugged y/n.

"Tony it's not the first time you're going for on a mission and i am gonna do just fine plus Bucky is there too" y/n replied.

" That's what i am worried about" tony mumbled under his breath.

"I will take care of her stark, trust me" Bucky replied crossing his arm.

"Yup tin man, take care too" tony boarded the quin jet waving y/n goodbye.

Y/n had patients waiting for her all day and got busy with her schedule.
While Bucky worked out in the gym.

It was evening when Bucky came out of the shower draining off all the sweat he had while working out.
When he heard someone playing a guitar and singing a melodious song, he searched for the voice and realised it was coming from the living room.
He quickly wore a black sweatshirt pairing it with grey pants and walked towards the living area.

When he saw y/n sitting on a stool near the big glass window wearing an oversized t-shirt and sweatpants, she had her hairs clutched up with the help of a clatcher.

She was playing the guitar very beautifully.... Bucky smiled by the the scene infront of him and mumbled under his breath
"God.... she is perfect!!!".

She was singing "stand by me" by Ben E. King and he loved the song .

" When the night has come
And the land is dark
When the moon is only night we will see"

Bucky decided to join her

"No, i won't be afraid
No, i won't be afraid
Just long as you stand by me"

When y/n saw and heard Bucky singing in the back she turned and gave him a big smile which quickly turned into blushing.
She waved him to come and sit with her.

" So darling darling stand
By me .
Ohhhh stand...stand by me " they sang their heart out.

" I didn't knew you could play guitar y/n and that too perfectly" Bucky complemented y/n.

" Thanks Barnes, and i dint knew you could sing like a diva" y/n laughed while patting his shoulders.

They stood in front of each other for a while staring in each other's eye and both of them wished the time froze.
They couldn't help but notice that they had their hands intertwined with each other and there was a little gap between them.

Bucky's hand were big and rough while y/n had small and soft hands they full fill each other in a completely diffrent but beautiful way.

"Wo- wo-uld you like to da- da-nce with me y/n??" Bucky asked not taking eyes of her.

" I would love to barnes"

she blushed and there was this instant shine in her eyes while her cheeks turned pink.

"Jarvis play stand by me of Ben e king." y/n ordered the A.I

Bucky scooped closer to her wrapping his arm around her waist and she kept her hand on his chest.
Bucky was a good dancer and so was y/n and they danced like a couple enjoying the moment.

Y/n realised that Bucky's Heart rate has increased and she wondered if it's because she is so close to him.

" Barnes, are you nervous" bringing a smile to her face and tilting her head y/n asked.

"Why wouldn't i be when i have the prettiest girl dancing with me" Bucky answered blushing.

Y/n couldn't help herself and brought her head towards Bucky's chest and hugged him while dancing and Bucky rested his chin over her head.
They fitted like puzzles with each other.

Neither of them spoke for rest of the song because they dint wanted to spoil the moment and they dint needed any words to express how much they loved this moment.

Both of them closed there eyes and swayed on the beat of the song not pulling away from each other.

When the song stopped,y/n was the first to pull back and look at bucky.
His eyes were shining and she saw the look in his eyes which tony has while looking towards pepper ...The look of love,affection, and care.

She noticed that his eyes were moistened with warmth and beauty of the moment.
He had a big smile on his face while he was still holding her close to him.

Y/n stood on her toes, cupping his face with her hands and kissed him on his forehead.

"Good night, buck" y/n said while kissing him on his forehead and walked towards her room.

Bucky stood there for a while, y/n took him by surprise when she kissed him and he still felt the warmth of her on his chest.

At that moment Bucky knew he fell in love wih y/n,he knew he has found his girl.

"Good night y/n, but this was the best night for me and i hope someday i will have the courage to ask you out and tell you how much i love" he wispered to himself.

Bucky Barnes X Y/N starkWhere stories live. Discover now