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Bucky pov

When i entered her cabin along with tony and sam. She was lying on the floor with blood oozing out from her abdominal region.
I think i was going to have a panick attack but i got a hold of myself because i need to be there for y/n.

Without wasting time we bought her to the hospital and admitted her.
Doctor said she has to undergo surgery because bullet is still inside her and if we dint take action quickly it may cause infection inside her.

When i picked her up she felt so light and small...i was trying so hard not to cry but seeing her getting operated is the worse.

Tony was in shock after what happened and asked his security to search for the person who did all this.
I could clearly see the anger and rage in his eyes for the person who caused all this.

The surgery went on for 5 hours after which doctor declared her out of danger but she was on anesthesia so she was dozed off.
We were in the hospital for more than 20 hours and we all were worried for who knows what can happen.

" James, you go to the compound and get changed and get some sleep...me and pepper are here and if there is any progress we will tell you" tony said in a tired voice.

"No no not at all! I am not going anywhere untill my girl comes in concious...you guys go and get some sleep.
And pepper please bring some corn soup y/n really likes it and she will be hungry.." i said getting up to get some coffee.

It is was 2 in the morning when i walked in her room and saw her lying on the hospital bed wearing a blue hospital gown. She looks beautiful in it also no doubt.

I sat on the stool near her bed,holding her hand when tears started flowing from my red and puffy eyes.

"Y/n, please wake up...look at me your James is nothing without you. I love you y/n you need to get up. I am nothing without you.
We will marry...doll soon... But first you need to listen to my voice and come back to me...i love you y/n all of us do..." I was sobbing and there were no words coming out of my mouth because i was trembling.

"Ja-james,..i-i am here please dont c-cry honey...you know that's the last thing i want to see....i am alright see i am a-awake..." She said while wiping away my tears.

I called the doctor for her checkup and meanwhile tony and pepper came with her favourite soup.
" Who was it tony??y/n asked.

"Whoever it was i am gonna catch him and kill him...don't worry y/n you are okay now...and after sometime you will be discharged" tony replied while stroking her head.

Next day we were allowed to take her home.She was weak with all the blood loss but much better than the other two days.
We settled y/n in her room and left her to rest and get some sleep.
I was the last one to leave and when i was going she held me back by my wrist.
" Stay here please.." she said in a weak tone.

"Alright, i am here..now take some rest doll" i sat on a chair near her bad reading a magazine.

She was looking so gorgeous sleeping and i couldn't resist myself from kissing her forehead.
When i planted a wet kiss on her forehead she smiled even in her sleep which made me blush.

Our lives will never be normal she is a stark and i am an avenger. Going in mission risking our lives is common but i won't let this fact keep us apart.
I think of marrying her soon but i will ask tony first, i want to go old school with her.

As soon as she recovers i am gonna ask her to marry me and i am gonna give everything she deserves.
I am gonna marry the girl of my dreams....

Bucky Barnes X Y/N starkWhere stories live. Discover now