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Sam and I decided to try out the new Indian restaurant which has opened few blocks away from the Stark Tower as it was very near to our residence, we walked the distance. It was a breezy night, everyone was getting back from their offices, all of the cafes were decked up it appears that this city never sleeps. 

Ordering Chef's special from the menu, the waiter sat us outside on the patio from where beautiful stars in the clear sky were visible.

"So, how was it with the Winter Soldier?" Sam asked settling down.

"Sammie, don't call him that, We all should be trying to bring him away from his past and calling him what lead to his misery is not good." I justified myself.

"Look at you, Defending your patient!!!! Pow. Pow" Sam and I laughed at his childish nature.

Both of us never run out of topics to talk about and he has really shown me the importance of a true friend in one's life.

Back at the stark tower

Sleep comes to me late at night, but I never feel mentally tired, sometimes physically perks of being a Stark, I guess.

For the brief moment I closed my eyes and the moments from today's morning session flashed in front of me that how James was trying to appear strong.  

It was already painful that his precious memories were wiped away, all his childhood and being a part of Howling commanders and then he has to go through the pain off remembering that all over again.

Turning around in bed unable to sleep, I sat up from my bed and turned on some groovy music from the 40's album. Those must be great times at least better than the chaotic New York I live in.

To pass time I was arranging my already organized vanity table when I heard a soft knock on my door.

Bucky's POV

Sleepless night has become more of my routine rather than a medical condition. So, I try to calm my mind doing various activities to restrain myself from overthinking. 

It was still a task to figure out where various room are on my floor but I know the way to the kitchen so well I can go there blindfolded So I quickly make my way to the kitchen to make a snack for myself.

On the way passing a room a specific song playing in there stopped me in my tracks and I was trying to figure out its lyrics. A crease of smile appears on my face when I remembered that this song played back in a restaurant where me and Steve washed dishes as our part time job.

I figured out if I listen to this song on loop maybe I can remember more of my memories, so I knocked on the room but suddenly I regretted my action when I looked at my watch and it was 01:36 in the night.

The music stopped and I registered footsteps coming towards the door while I mentally prepared an apology. 

"Hey James" Y/n  opened the door looking slightly confused " Is everything okay?" she asked with a slight worried look appearing on her face.

"oh Ummmmm, I dint realized this was your room I am sorry for disturbing you" I said with a apologetical expression., "But I recognized this song form my childhood and I wanted to.." I trailed off without completing my sentence.

" Have a copy of it?" She asked me guessing my expression with a smile on her face.

She went back in her room to get something asking me to wait and within a minute she came back and handed me a blue case of CD's.

Our fingers brushed and something fluttered in my chest.

"The song I was playing was Hungry eyes I don't remember the artist, but you will find most of the classic and old songs in there" she said pointing towards the case in my hand.

Greeting her Goodnight I went back to my room mentally noting that we only have three rooms between us. 

I dint realized that Y/N would be into old songs but its nice I like her taste in music, Inserting the CD in the player I tried sleeping.

And it helped, Thanks Y/N and I dozed off.

Bucky Barnes X Y/N starkWhere stories live. Discover now