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Steve Roger POV

At first I couldn't believe my eyes that the man standing in front of me, the man who is on the verge of killing me is my best friend.

No one other than James Buchanan Barnes.

He still remember's me and now I am not letting him suffer anymore, we both were treated as subject of experiments but we walked on two very different paths.

And the result separated us for many years but now I have him back and I won't let anything happen to him.

He doesn't remember everything other than bits of our childhood and before the war.
He remembered me after all this time, I am glad our bond was so strong that he still remembers me.

I will do everything i can for him which includes taking him out of his horrifying past and getting hydra out of his mind.

I know the best person who can do that, who can bring the old Bucky back.

To discuss about this matter I took an elevator to the 7th floor where Tony lives

"Tony, are you free? I ask him walking straight into his lab.

"Yaa, what's up capsicle?".

"I need a favour from you a really big one, as you know Bucky needs therapy and hel-".

Cutting me off in the middle he looked up and spoke.

"Lemme make a quick stop right there, Steve Rogers I won't allow my sister near that winter soldier at any cost. I promise i can arrange the best therapist for him ".

" You know y/n is the best, right?

And i promise i will be there with her the whole time, but tony please... buck needs help ,he has already been through so much" I was on the verge of crying when tony hugged me.

" If you promise to stay there with them, i can make an exception and rogers remember he is a part of this family too i dont hold any grudges towards him, but for me, mimi is my priority...so keep that in mind" tony said.

Now i knew buck will be in right hands, y/n would help him.
She is one of the most caring person i came across and i have faith in her that she will do her best.

Bucky Barnes X Y/N starkWhere stories live. Discover now