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Bucky pov

It's been 3 months since y/n is trying to help me and honestly speaking I've not felt this good,calm and peaceful after the first time i met Steve as a winter soldier.

She has something which makes me feel home, whenever i look at her she gives me small warm smiles which melts my stone cold heart.

Besides steve, she is my best friend and she is not scared or afraid to spend time with me as i priorily thought she would be.

We usually talk a lot, i mean i talk a lot about hydra, Steve and the things back in 40's and she is a very good listener and never gets bored of listening to me.

But when she is not with me, my eyes trys to find her in the crowd.My heart aches for her presence and i dont know how to describe the giddy feeling.

Sometimes when i am alone, i laugh remembering our sweet time together.

Holiday season is going on and Christmas is in 3 days. The stark tower has been lighted up like an effiel tower and it looks beautiful.

Every team member is going for shopping and getting gifts for each other, I know Steve will get me a present and other than that i dont expect anyone to give me anything cause i am not close to anyone else than Steve but i want to give y/n something she has been by my side since i am in this tower and i want her to know how thankful I am about that.

While thinking about what to get her i remember that she is a huge Harry Potter fan and has also forced me to watch all the films it was good.

I ended up getting her the replica of gryffindor sword with Steve's help. I really hope she like it.

On the Christmas Eve when everyone was busy in the kitchen in making diffrent food for Christmas i decided that i will keep her present in her room to make it look like a surprise.

When i entered her room, my nose was filled with her familiar warm scent which i think was of cocoa and vanilla, i remember her telling me how she likes cocoa and vanilla candles.

I kept her gift in a neatly wrapped gifting paper and wrote my name on a piece of paper and sticked it on the top.
I left the gift on the side of her bed and closed her door behind me.

I went in my room and started writing my memories on a piece of paper, my study table was scattered with hundreds of paper with my small, big, good, bad memories on them and this exercise really helps me.

Whenever i feel down i just flip through these pages and remeber the good old times and my time with y/n too.

Y/n pov

After finishing off baking with the team I walked to my room sleepily, Christmas at stark tower can get exhausting sometimes but i love the holiday season.

I changed into my night suit when i saw a rectangular gift box on my bed.I looked and i saw Bucky written on it and i couldn't help but smile about how he got me a present.

When i opened it i couldn't beleive that he got me something i was thinking of buying for such a long time.
I pulled out a long silvery sword....it was the flipping gryffindor sword!!!!!!!!! Oh my god !!!!!.

I was excited so much i ran to his room in utter excitement holding up my gift.
I dint even knock on his door and hugged him tightly...

Bucky pov

I saw her running towards me with the sword and she did the thinkable.
She hugged me tightly wrapping her arms around me and she was very thrilled and satisfied by her gift. I couldn't stop myself from hugging her back and it felt very nice hugging someone other than steve.

" Thankyou!!!!!thankyou!!!!! So much James.. this is the best gift!!!
Oh my god.. i have my own sword!!!!
Thankyou so much for this thoughtful gift...
Now i am gonna show it to tony...bbyeee
She left.

I've never seen her this excited and i obviously dint expect this reaction but i felt accomplished that i gave her the best gift.
With that strange feeling hitting me again  i couldn't help but smile to myself.

Bucky Barnes X Y/N starkWhere stories live. Discover now