21.(He defined love )

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Chapter 21.

"Yeah.Bhai.I saw them together at the mall.They seemed so happy together enjoying their little time."Jai grinned like a devil as if her mission got accomplished.

Uday's face soured in anger as Jai was filling his ears with her not so pleasant informations.

"Not again Jai..Not everytime I'll let that BUSTARD win over my things."Uday stormed out of the downhall and walked upstairs.He opened the door of his room with a bang and threw his overcoat on the bed..After making the first few buttons of his shirt loose ,he slumped against the bed.His head was aching from the constant bickerings with his Mom .This time both his parents swore not to let him reach the dark past they created.And now a new thorn came automatically in his way.Manyata!"But you are the one who is forcing her to stay with you.
Why don't your let her go Udayveer?"His inner pure self questioned his mind stability. She has nothing to do with your life.But still you are being adamant to not let her go.What's this behavior?You don't like her Man.

But What she has to do with Ayaan?Why of all people she constantly ends up meeting Ayaan?Is Manyata not that type of girl he supposedly knows?Is her mind impure like any other sl*tty girl he had met till now. His snuffiest side brought up the question and suppressed his consecrate thought that was somehow convincing him  to let her go.

Uday ran his fingers through his thick black hairs and closed his eyes feeling the burning rage inside his heart.He sighed and tried to calm his nerves inhaling a deep breath.He needed one person most at this moment and his lips curved into a smile as he remembered the person.He reached out his phone but it rang at the exact time and to his surprise it was a call from the same person he wanted right now beside him.Is this how telepathy works ?

"Where are u old lady?You know I was going to call you just when you called."Uday almost shouted forgetting manners.

"Guess what Udayveer."The old lady from the other side shouted with equal enthusiasm as her grandson.

"What?You bought the Murale of the legendary Van Serigan?How much dollars you spend this time Ds?"Uday chuckled realizing his grandmother's interests in collecting paintings and murals.

"Doubler than the previous ,my precious grandson.I had to pay large amount this time.And what's the exact reason you're suddenly missing this old hag?"The old woman asked .

"You're so straightforward Ds.I so like you above all." _Uday couldn't help smiling.All his tensed mood seemed to brush past him hearing the sweet voice of his beloved grandmother.
As he was opening up the things happened in these months ,Uday suddenly heard nonchalant footsteps behind his closed door.

"Hold on Ds."He whispered.

"It's OK Uday.I'll call you later."After the call ended Uday walked to the door and opened it with a jerk only to find his beautiful porcelain doll in human form sitting at the doorstep.

"Manyata?"He mumbled lowly merely inaudible to himself.
Her pale face indicated she had heard some of his conversations with his grandmother and seems like she misinterpreted their talk as any boyfriend girlfriend conversations.His signature smirk curled up at the edge of his lips.
But to his displeasure why is she upset now ?Yeh it's true till now he is the very reason behind every tears she had shaded but her shimmering eyes does something weird inside him.He becomes a weakling before those tears.An unsettling feeling was gradually building up inside him.When did that happen?The day she was confronting him viewing his darkest side ?That day his own words were contradictory.First he was saying he would never forgive her for her unapproved entry in his life and later he was suggesting her to start afresh with him?What's damn wrong with him?He has been never confused with his decisions.Or it's happening because of this morning?Wasn't she inviting her to open up his heart and let her warm his soul?So she wanted to be the sunshine in his darkness?
Uday walked to her and snapped his fingers bending in front of her but she didn't react .She seemed lost in her own worlds staring blankly behind his back.

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