24.(A twist of fate)

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Chapter 24

"Uday you can't blame me for her sudden change in behaviour. If my sudden arrival can bring changes in her and turn a pathetic emotionally foolish teenage girl into a mature responsible one then you should be thankful for that son?What's the big deal?Ain't you liking her in this way? "

Padmini didn't like the way Uday was talking with her.She felt his tone was lacking gentleness in their conversation.

"No,Ds.I'm not blaming you obviously.Don't misunderstand my concern for her as an emblem of love.But the way she is doing things looks more like she is being forced to do them not that she's doing chores being in love with me."
Uday tried his best to hide his caring thoughts for Manyata.

"What If she does,Uday?What if she really starts falling for you?Don't you want to give her a chance?She has a potential of proving herself better for you.My experienced eyes can see that in her".

Padmini's enthusiastic voice surprised Uday.Why she is suddenly so interested in pairing him with the girl she had a strong dislike at her first glance?What type of incantation did Manyata spell on his old grandmother?Uday wondered.

"Dadisaa?Are you all right?Now I'm going to think you're changed instead.Who taught me Love is bullshit ,Huh?Weren't you the one who taught me how people's so called loved one's turn their back on them when one need them the most?
And Dadisaa,like everytime you were never wrong" ,Uday's voice changed suddenly into a bitter one.His countenance tumbled into a dark thing.

Padmini Singh sighed staring at his clenched fists.

"Uday,Old wounds need to be kept in mind, but do not let them remain close for so long that no one can heal your wounds.
Anyways ,I didn't think I would've to face such interrogation while visiting my grandson's office for the first time."
The woman said in a tone of complaint.

"I would never do that even unintentionally,you know that Dadisaa..You're not someone I need to suspect for anything."Uday replied with slight anger with his attempts to defended himself.

"I know Udayveer.I was just joking.But tell me then what's your issues with Manyata?You said you didn't hate her.Then what's problem in loving her?She is beautiful, she is charismatic.And the most amazing thing I see in her is her innate instict of being in controlled by others which is in your favour."

Uday shot his eyes wide at his grandmother. Something she said is awfully true yet seemed so cruel to him for the first time.

"Don't give me that look Beta.I raised you and I know how you love to control people around you.That's in our blood but sadly your father lack this particular thing.He is shamelessly being a puppet of your Mom"

Padmini's anger laced voice tensed Uday.He didn't realize since when his grandma's hatred for his Mom was turning so strong.These two women!
The Singh family has so many internal issues that sometimes Uday wished he was born into a normal family.Typical thoughts?Can't help.He sighed.

"May I come in Sir?"
Akash knocked on the door gaining attention of both Uday and his grandma.Akash was taken aback as he was not prepared to have a sudden encounter with the old woman feared by everyone.The woman as unforgiving as his ruthless boss.Not long ago he came to this job but in this short time he came to know about many disturbing secrets of this renowned family and it's members which will never be revealed to public perhaps.

"Good morning Ma'am." Akash greeted the woman in fear filled voice.

"Good morning".Padmini beamed a smile at the poor frightened man.

"What is it"?Uday raised his eyes and frowned at him for sudden interruption.His grandmother however gestured to continue his schedules.

"I was here to remind you that you've an board meeting to attend Sir ,sharply at 10 AM".Akash replied hesitantly.

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